Chapter 12

Janette entered the shower without thinking her mind was still on the guy and the sudden change. When she clicked on the water she was quickly snapped back to reality and the icy water dancing on her skin. She let out a little scream and quickly turned the water back off and jumped out of the shower. This time she turned the water on and adjusted it then stepped in. This was so much better she found the scents that she wanted to try this time and got thoroughly clean then added oil to her shin again she found that she was getting worn out and getting sore everywhere she didn't know how much more of this she could do or if they would let her stop. Then the truly scary thought hit her what if they didn't let her stop. She hadn't been in contact with anyone and she didn't know where her phone was, and she hadn't seen one the whole time that she was here. fear set in she didn't know where she was, she only seen Will and the one that gave her a massage at least someone had seen her. She thought about this more as she dried herself off, she remembered Will talking to her about this being over and he even being paid for her time. She thought it would do no good to worry about it now.

When she was all dried off and oiled up and feeling better, she went back to the other room and on the bed was the outfit laid out for her. It was a sexy maid outfit it was black and white with lots of lace. It was a maid's uniform but not made for cleaning anything. She slips on the small black thong that was mostly lace. Then the lace bra was next it offered little in the way of support it was very cute though and that was its purpose. The mini dress what there was of it was small and lace it showed off her every curve in the best way. As soon as it was on and in place. She started putting on the fishnet stockings they went on easy and made her legs feel better. until she looked at the shoes that we're there for her were 6" stilettos pumps. Janette had worn high heels before but never ones that were that high and she would have to practice in them before she walked in them in front of people. While she was trying to figure out what she was going to do there was a knock at the door.

"I am not quite ready, but you may enter," Janette called out.

The door slowly opened it was Will with a small cart of food and drinks. He wheeled them over beside the bed. "You need to eat and drink some before the next event starts," Will said.

Janette looked at the cart that was filled with various foods that all looked good along with it was a big picture of drinks. Janette took a plate and selected a sample of all the things that looked good to her. Then she filled a glass and sat back down. Will took a couple of snacks from off the cart and sat at the foot of the bed. Will turned to Janette and said, "You look great in that outfit."

Janette replied, "Thank you. I will still need a little time to finish up and do my hair."

Will nodded and said, "You need to finish eating. Then you can finish preparing yourself."

At hearing that she slowed her pace and relaxed a little. She was glad that this seemed to be almost over at least she was hoping that it was. So, she asked, "So what is next?"

Will's face changed from a relaxed look to a very serious one. Will thought to himself this is why I make it a practice not to spend a bunch of time with them. Then he said, "Well you have committed yourself to two more events then there is the goodbye event where they get to say goodbye to you. Then it is a simple matter of taking you where you want to go, and everyone goes away happy."

Janette smiled hearing that then it dimmed a little she liked the idea of being free but the actual thought of going didn't feel so good. As she thought about it, she had all this attention, and everyone wanted her it was a really good feeling to be wanted like that.

Janette sat there quietly after that and finished what she wanted to eat she had to admit that she always felt better after she had gotten something to eat and drink.

Will just sat there and watched her as she finished getting ready, he had to admit the outfit was a great look for her and he was glad to see her hair out of those pigtails. Janette looked in the mirror and she could see that she was getting tired but as she put on one of her best smiles it made her feel better and even look better.

When she had finished everything else, she slipped on the dreaded shoes. At first, she was a little awkward in them but after a few minutes she regained her composure on them, and as long as she thought about what she was doing, and she moved carefully she did fine.

Will watched her carefully and once it looked like she had her walking down he asked, " Are you ready to start the next round?"

Janette nodded still trying to balance on those spiked heels. Will walked over and took her hand seeing that she could use a little help with her balance. The heals made it harder for her to walk but they sure made her legs look a lot better. He walked her down the hall to the correct room and opened the door. Fiona looked up at him and said, "Well it is about time I thought you were going to keep me waiting for her all day for this." The mean demanding look she had made Will on edge.

"Sorry Miss Fiona she was not quite ready, and she needed food and drinks to keep her energy up. We wouldn't want her unable to perform for you properly." Will said

"Enough boy go sit in the corner and behave," Fiona said in a demanding and dismissive tone.

Will was used to this type of tone but not use to anyone using it on him. He was used to being in control not simply dismissed. He was quite put out at the thought then realized his position and bit his tongue went over and sat down to watch the events. As Janette entered the room, she looked around it looked to be another elegant bedroom with a fancy bed set everything matched like normal. The main difference was the color scheme of each room and sometimes the furnishings were slightly different.

Then Janette noticed Fiona she was dressed in fine black leather pants that were skin-tight they looked like they were painted on and gave her just the right look. Her long jet-black hair that was tight to her head then was wavy to the middle of her back with a silk blouse that with her excitement showed her nipples right through it as if she wasn't wearing a top at all and then the black mask that covered half of her face.

Janette stopped moving as she was just looking at her studying her. Fiona asked, "Is there something wrong with you girl? Are you just going to stand there and look at me? There is nothing to be afraid of come on over."

Janette looked into her eyes and said, "Sorry Miss." Remembering how Kimberley had been with her Mistress. Then started moving again and walked over to the bed where Fiona had been waiting for her. As she got close, she notices the nightstand and a table beside it was filled with a large variety of sex toys. anything from nipple clamps to vibrators anal beads along with a verity of oils. Janette couldn't help but notice some of the sizes of the toys that were there. She thought that you would have to be the size of a horse in order to fit them in and if you could take that then having a baby would be no problem at all. So far nothing had hurt her at all and now she was wondering how much this was going to hurt.

Fiona saw the look in her eyes and that she was tearing up. So, Fiona said to her quietly, "Don't worry love I will not hurt you that is not what this is about." And she gave a quick worming smile.

Janette looked closely at her face and even though she wore a mask her eyes showed kindness in her eyes and the cheerful smile showed that she was only there for fun and nothing more. At seeing that Janette relaxed a little and walked over closer to her.

"Come over here my pet. We will get you ready." Fiona said

Janette wondered ready for what then she thought did she really want to know that answer to that question. Janette held her head up and walked over to her showing that she was no longer scared. Fiona noticed the difference in her attitude and got a bigger wormer smile on her face. Janette still kept looking at all the different strange-looking toys that were there it was like they were organized into groups and Fiona was defiantly looking at a few that she could tell would be used on her.

Fiona drew her in and planted a kiss on her lips this took Janette by surprise and she closed her eyes and felt the passion in the kiss it was unlike other kisses that she had felt before. There were warmth and kindness that warmed Janette's heart. It was easy to see that Fiona was used to taking the lead and with a gentle hand she would guide and direct the other to her and their pleasure.

As they kissed Fiona maneuvered Janette to the place where she wanted her. Then she carefully unhooked her top and smoothly stripped it away without Janette even noticing it was gone at first.

Janette was wrapped up in a world of her own now and the two of them were alone in it. She no longer saw Will in the room or even cared that he was there. Something had changed in Janette and she hadn't noticed it yet she had come here for Will and stayed to be with him but not it was different. Janette saw the desire in Fiona's eyes as well as the caring that Will had but with Fiona, it was so intense, or at least that is the way she felt about it.

Fiona pulled her onto the bed and planted another kiss on her lips then helped her to the bed. Because of the mask, Janette couldn't tell who Fiona was, but she looked very familiar. But she needed to see her face to be able to tell who she was for sure, but she was sure that she was famous at least that is what she thought. Fiona saw Janette's eyes scanning her trying to figure out who she was. Fiona quickly slipped a hand between her legs and pressing on her mound she felt the hot and velvet smooth. Fiona cupped her hand and felt her wet lips already aching to be plundered.

Janette couldn't help but lift and shift she was so aching to have her explore and take her to new heights. Janette was lost in a world of desire lust was leading her on driving her to experience it all whatever she could feel she now wanted it. Fiona got a bottle of oil that had the wonderful smell of fresh strawberries. Janette let out a moan as the wormed oil was applied and the genital fingers slid between her lips. Her own hands found their way to Fiona's breasts they were firm soft and giving and the nipples were pointed and as hard as she had ever felt her own. Janette heard he moan as she pulled and twisted one of them and as she pinched and pulled Fiona berried her mouth on Janette's neck and muffled the moan that she had growing inside her.

Fiona felt her own wetness growing quickly and wanted to maintain control, so she took her two fingers and smoothly slid them into Janette all the way to her g spot and started rubbing it making Janette instantly forget what she was doing. At first, Janette couldn't handle the pleasure, but it didn't take her long to overcome that she wanted to give as much pleasure as she was getting. As Janette started to lower her head Fiona stopped her, she was not ready or wanting that just yet she wanted for this to go slower and not just dive into it. When Janette tried the second time, she understood that Fiona was in charge and would have things done her way at her speed. But she was at the right height and opened her mouth and clamped onto her nipple and started sucking hard making Fiona moan loudly and gripping Janette's pussy hard making her moan as well.

Fiona liked having that kind of control and now she is taking full advantage of it she already had the toys picked out that she wanted to use the first one was her own personal favorites like the one that she owned. It was the perfect size and shape and there was more than one setting that would have her begging for more. The next that she had picked was a strap on that would give her almost everything that she wanted and the last was a double dildo that they could finish this together.

Fiona got the vibrator ready it was medium size and had 5 settings along with a clit stimulator built-in. Fiona knew just how to start and what felt the best to her, and she was going to do it to Janette. She got Janette into position and slowly inserted just the tip in between the lips and had it on the mildest setting and laid the rest on her clit making Janette tingle all over. Janette grabbed the sheets and held on as the pleasure washes over her.

Fiona watched the pleasure build in Janette and she watched it build carefully making sure not to take it too far there was no way she wanted her to cum this soon. Janette was now wet, and the toy slid in easily and as Fiona slid it in Janette let out a moan and Fiona smiled playfully and carefully inserted it in farther Janette groaned as it made it in deeper. Janette had no choice but to just feel everything she tilted her head back and closed her eyes and spread her legs wider without being asked it was as if she was reading Fiona's mind. This made Fiona smile know that Janette was giving herself to this completely and willingly.

Fiona pushed it in deeper all the way to where the accessory made it to her clit and started a sensation of its own. Janette arched her back as a wave of pleasure hit her Janette started to moan and Fiona could tell she was just about to let loose and cum. She quickly started sucking on her nipple and twisting on the other. this brought on a tremendous orgasm that seemed to Janette to blast everything out with it. Fiona was very pleased with the results that she had gotten and was now ready to use the strap on and give it to her. This was not love she wanted it to be ruff and hard, in fact, she wanted it to hurt a little to infuse the pain with the pleasure making it more intense.

She got the strap on in position and put Janette into place and with a smooth thrust pushed her way deep into Janette. Janette let out a groan and the thick dildo made its way to the end of her. These two were a new experience for her to be filled so completely. Fiona didn't move at first letting her get used to the size and the feelings that were running through her. Fiona took a hold of her hips and pulled just a little to make sure that it had filled her completely. Janette was breathing hard already, and the little extra push took her breath away for a moment as she orgasmed hard. Now Fiona pulled back slowly and thrust back in fast and forceful and with each stroke in she slapped Janette's ass which quickly turned it red. Janette found herself trapped in an endless loop of wave after wave pleasure, she didn't even feel the cum squirting out of her or the fact that it was running down her legs.

The moaning and the smacks caught Will's attention making him get up and get close, but before he could open his mouth Fiona looked at him with a scowl. Fiona spoke up and said with a snarl, "I am not hurting her. Go back to your chair little boy. " then turned her attention back to Janette.

Will swallowed his pride and sulked a little as he went back over and sat down.

Janette was wrapped up in what Fiona was doing she hardly noticed Will and what Fiona did to him. Janette was in a world of her own the waves of pleasure washing over her one after the other.

Fiona was ready for her turn to have some fun as well, so she stood up and took off the strap on and got the double dildo slid one end into Janette and pushed herself into the other. As they pushed in together and they looked into each other's eyes they seemed to link in a special way. Each one moving in unison with the other slowly building to the climax they both held out as long as they could each waiting for the other to let loose and when they finally orgasmed together, they held on to each other and kissed until the feeling died.