Chapter 62

As I chuckled, I grabbed her by her hand.


"Don't touch me!"

She tried to free herself, but after all the struggle, she ended up on my lap. Sitting sideways on my lap, while my face burrowed deep in her bosom as I was breathing in her smell. This time she didn't have her perfume on, and I enjoyed her natural fragrance. She probably got sweaty as the smell intensified, but it was in no way unpleasant. Her skin had a flowery scent while her sweat increased the intensity. Paradoxically, it brought calmness to my mind.

She tried to tear me off, but my arms around her waist were like pincers, and I haven't moved in the slightest bit.

"Argh! Fine, you brought it on yourself! I'm calling higher-ups!"

I turned my eyes upwards to look at her while the lower half of my face was pressed hard against her breasts. She looked angry. Her usually soft facial features were warped greatly.

As I didn't bind or held her arms in any way, she tried to reach for her phone. It was lying on the side of the table. However, due to the little fight, we had the chair rolled slightly away. Her face soon grew red in her attempts to reach the phone. Looking at her acting like, that I chuckled.

"He-he." Putting my chin on her bosom, I looked upward.

"You!" She looked down at me, growing even redder. She was probably embarrassed.

"Let me help you." Moving forward alongside the chair, we now sat closer to the table.

"Hmph." She snorted and turned her face away as she finally took her phone. A few seconds later, she was already calling someone.

"Vice-deputy? Yes, yes. It will be done in a few days."

As she talked about some business matters, I didn't focus on it and moved my face. My ear was now closer to where her heart was, and I listened to the rhythmic thumping that was somewhat fast.

"Yes, I understand. Vice-deputy, I have something important to say to you." She looked down at me, and her pupils flashed with extreme hostility and malevolence. "I've heard one of the students attending the sport's course fought outside." She moved her phone from one hand to another, and I finally heard the one she called.

"Who was it?" Man's voice.

"Erlig Grimes." She said this, and her limps moved into a gloating, triumphant smile.

"Huh? Are you sure it's him?" the voice of the man on the other side was somewhat hesitant.

"Yes, you have my word, and I will provide the evidence. It was you who told me to get rid of him, right? It's the perfect chance."

What ensured after that was a long silence. I heard how Violetta's heartbeat slowed down. While my own heart started beating faster. I've had only one hope at the moment.

"Stop bothering him. If something happens between you, for example, he will find you to cause troubles, you should apologize and act courteously."

Another long silence came after his words. Violetta's, with her face rosy from the previous excitement, had her eyes turned glassy.

"Bu-but…" Looking at her, I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

Mara was fast on the uptake.

"No buts. Erlig Grimes got someone to cover for him. We are in an awkward position because of this. At the moment, don't touch him and try to avoid him at all costs. That's all." After that, he cut the call of.

Both of us heard the beeping sound, but we reacted differently. She was still holding her phone, and her heartbeat was increasing once again. While I, in turn, relaxed and let my face sank into her bosom once again.

"I thought about what you said." A few minutes later, I finally let go of her breast and leaned back on the chair. I didn't let her go though, my hands were still tightly clutched around her willowy waist.

She turned to look at me. Her face was absent-minded. It was as if nothing was reflecting in her eyes.

"Yeah, it's true both of us used each other. I overreacted last time, trying to find excuses. I felt like I needed to prove that I'm a better person. First of all, to myself. I wanted to run away."

As she listened to me, her face started to look gloomy.

"BUT! Thinking everything through, it's true. Everything you said is true."

Her eyebrows gradually furrowed.

"And now I think, why should I lie to myself and try to act like I was forced to do this? Yes, I did force you into a relationship. I wanted you." I shrugged, "So what? Why should I try to rectify my previous deeds and actions?"

She opened her mouth but didn't find anything to say to me.

"I will probably do a lot of other bad things in the future. So why should I bother with one more thing? Now that I think about it like this, it sounds so easy and obvious. I simply want you to dance in my palm forever."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Hey, don't you act like that."

I winced, "I've forced you into a sexual relationship with me, that's true. But I never acted violently towards you, nor did I took you by force."

"Hiding behind pretty words again, huh?" She finally spitted her curses back at me. But this time, I smiled in return.

"Would you prefer me raping you by force?" Saying this my arms moved, and I held her tighter. "You want me to cause you pain?"

As she understood that there was no way she would talk herself out of this predicament, she finally paled and shook her head left and right. "N-no."

"I don't want this either. And by the way, so far, I've only brought immense pleasure to you, didn't I?" I smiled.

At first, her face turned into an angry grimace, but when she felt my hands clutching her sides even harder. Violetta squeaked and lowered her head.

"Yes," Violetta whispered.

"If I remember everything correctly, you were the one who proposed to be my sex slave, weren't you?"

"I-I did?" she didn't dare to look up to me.

"You even mentioned something about being my girlfriend. Hah." moving my face lower, I saw Violetta's eyebrows creased as she violently bit her lower lip.

"Hey, look at me," I whispered. However, seeing no reaction, I sighed and took her chin in my hand. Forcing her to look at me, I moved my face closer.

Eyes were the mirrors of the soul.

If I was to judge Violetta's state right now, it was turmoil.

"I don't want you to be my sex slave, nor do I want you to be my girlfriend. But I will need your help. So how about this, you will be my helper with benefits? I would look for you sometimes when I need your help and your warmth. Is it okay?"

She finally let go of her lip. It was swollen red and had bite marks here and there. In the end, she nodded.

"Good. I knew that you are sensible." I nodded back at her and moved my face away. "Don't worry, I'm not a saint, but I have no intentions of actually hurting you."

Moving my hands lower, I squeezed the sides of her hips. "Move your butt closer."

She looked down, and after a few moments, she moved towards me. Now she was sitting on my lap properly, her back touched my belly and chest, and she was in my embrace. Hugging her waist, I put my chin on her shoulder, sniffing the side of her neck.

"Look for Reid Jones's schedule. I bet you can do it."

At first, she stiffened and sat there for some time as I continued to feel her soft body.

"I can't." she finally blurted.

"Why? Don't tell me you can't access a simple schedule?" Nudging her, I let my left hand wander down her waist.

"That's not the reason." she sighed, giving up on trying to reject me. "You have no idea what you will bring upon yourself if you ever got caught tampering with Reid Jones's schedule."

My slithering hand stopped midways, and I moved my face farther from her neck. "Are you worried about me?" I was stunned, hearing what she said.

"Hah, who is worried about you? If you get caught, everything will be traced back to me." She threw her hands up.

"It doesn't sound convincing, you know?" With a smile on my face, I suddenly remembered the dream. Or, to be more precise, a part of my dream after I fought in that facility. I thought I saw her in that dream. I recalled she was scared there.

She snorted and continued typing something on her keyboard.

"You know, after you saved my sorry ass, I can't simply look at you like before." Seeing that she continued working, I got back to her neck and started kissing it lightly.

"There is no secret meaning behind my actions. I didn't save you just to help you." She hissed back at me.

"Hahaha, stop acting like tsundere."

"Like who?" she stopped typing and made some distance between us. Turning her upper body, she gave me a look that showed a total lack of understanding and contempt.

"Sigh, don't think about. Search for his schedule, and copy it. I don't need you to tamper with it or anything like that."

A sudden realization dawned on her as she looked at me gloatingly. "Ah-ha, so you simply want to hide from Reid Jones, huh?" She turned her head to look at me.

Looking at her tightly pursed plump lips, I dived towards them and pecked her.

"Ugh." She wanted to take some distance away, but there was only so much space when she sat on my lap.

"Yes...and no." Accomplishing what I wanted, I laid my head on her shoulder and continued to sniff and kiss her neck. "I need to evade him for the time being, that's true." Thinking of him, I couldn't stop myself from squeezing her waist and the underside of her bosom.

"Hmph, like you can do anything else."

"But I will need to hide from him for not so long." My right arm went after her thigh, and I started stroking it. Feeling her stocking that was probably made of high-grade silk, I still lamented the fact that she wore them. The feeling of her bare skin was much better.


"No-no, it won't be a dream for so long. Remember what I said to you before? I will change, and I will own this whole world. I will have it in the palm of my hand." Looking at her nape, I licked it and sucked it slightly.

"Dream on."

"By the way, don't you think that being valued so high that you are being compared to the whole world is great?"

Her fingers stopped and hovered above the keyboard as she eventually continued typing. This time she chose to maintain her silence.

"I said this to you. You were one of the instigators." I finally let go of her body and leaned back. "You can think and do what you want. But I will never be the same. Likewise, you won't be the same as well. I have a goal, and I won't stop before achieving it." My hands released her waist.

"Take it." She stood up and went towards the printer on the side. There already laid a few lists of paper.

"You may think that this is all shallow promises." I stood up and took the papers from her hands. "And I know you will eventually find a way to stab me in the back, right?" As I smiled, I saw her face turn especially ugly for a second when I mentioned stabbing.

"But despite this fact, I will still hold onto you. Because no matter what you do to me from now on, it will barely be a challenge." Walking towards Violetta, I looked at her face.

She turned her gaze that consisted of mostly anger, resentment, and hate towards me.

"I don't know why you saved me, and I won't be able to squeeze the confession out of you. I won't harm you physically, nor will I force you that much. I promise this. However, there is one thing I can't promise you. You should remember it forever and never forget. You shouldn't cherish this dream. We will ever break this wretched relationship."

"After all, you are nothing more than a horny boy." She hugged herself as she looked at me going towards the exit.

"Not a boy." I shook my finger. "But a man." I shrugged at her undisguised anger. Leaving these words, I left her office.

After getting Reid's schedule, there was nothing more to do on the campus, so I started walking back home.

On my way back, I thought of the different reasons why she saved me. But couldn't come up with anything sensible. She clearly disliked me. I was sure that she would plot against me.

However, she saved me. Was it really because she simply wanted to blackmail me? For me, it was rather stupid and overly cumbersome to be a 'revenge plan.'

"Sigh." From now, it didn't actually matter why she did it, nor did it matter what will happen later on. I knew that having her providing me with info would be a priceless help. I as well knew that I didn't have enough willpower to cut my relationship with her.

As I walked down through the snowy street, I finally made my way towards the front door of my apartment building. Looking ahead, I saw a rather strange scene unfolding.

A single woman was holding a few bags full of groceries while two tough-looking dudes were bothering her. They looked at least thrice as big as the woman. It came to the point where they started sexually harassing her. Touching her here and there, and it was obvious that she was against this. Yet these dudes didn't care, nor did the passersby.

I winced, looking at this, but then my gaze caught up on something. I felt the woman was strangely familiar.

"Fuck! It's Annie."