Chapter 76

In my sleep, I felt how something warm was escaping my arms. There was a peculiar soft smell that teased my nose. It relaxed me a lot, and I didn't want to let it go.

The moment I felt it escaping my arms, I clutched the source and didn't let it go. I felt comfortable as my arms clenched tighter, and my dreamy state continued.

I was more awake than asleep now, my consciousness growing clearer. Soon enough, I was awake and remembered that I hugged Violetta and fell asleep. Judging by the heat I felt from my arms and body, she was still in my embrace.

My eyelids could barely stop the light, and I slowly opened my eyes. Before me, in close proximity, I saw a pair of dark purple eyes. Her face was so close that her nose almost touched mine.

The moment I woke up, our eyes met and locked in a stalemate for a few seconds that stretched into minutes.

As she finally woke up from her daze, she tried to move away, but with our bodies being intertwined tightly, she couldn't escape.

"Made yourself comfortable, huh?" I smirked, seeing how she closed her eyes and pursed her lips.

"I still have my work to do. You might be a student having nothing to worry…"

I cut her off, "Can't you take a day off?"

"And spend it here with you!?" She finally opened her eyes and looked at me, her pupils blazing with violet fire.

"Hah, what's so wrong with this?"


I rolled around with her in my arms. After a minute of tangling, I was on top of her, pinning both of her arms.

"You won't be able to escape reality for a long time, just like I did. You actually like being with me, don't you?"

"Shut up!"

"If you didn't like it, you would try to do something better than simply trying to delete all the blackmail material, right? Your plans were made as if you wanted them to fail…"


A few moments of bed 'wrestling' and now she lay on top of me, belly to belly, as I clutched her arms, hugging her body.

"And oh so great and feared student's counselor, she is probably better than this? Can't she defeat a lucky bastard with her wits?" She huffed in anger, but I didn't let her say a single word. "You sure as hell tried to use your charms, but in the end, you fell yourself, right?"

She rolled her eyes at me. "How come you come to the most absurd ideas, you imbecile."

"Then how do you want to explain all of this?" I let her go and sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed. "You aren't saying anything to me, and all your threats were left in vain. What exactly should I think?"

She sat sideways and looked at me. At first, she wanted to say something but then went mute for some time.

"So you want me to ruin your life?" Lifting her head, she looked at me straight into the eyes.

"Shouldn't you at least try?" I smirked. I couldn't possibly think of any way she could do anything to me with Mara's backing. "How about we make a bet?"

"A bet?" She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes, a bet. Let's do it like this. Time limit, hmm, let's say between a month and month and a half."

"Heh, and what about terms?" She smirked.

"I wonder..." I rubbed the scar on my nose, "Let's do it like this. If you manage to take me down, take a hold of some of my weakness to ruin me before the time runs out, I will do whatever you want."

"Hah, and why would I need you?" She smiled condescendingly. "What can I possibly get from you after getting rid of you?"

"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders. "You can do whatever you want, torture, castrate, make me a slave, whatever you want. You can even take all the money I will earn."

"Hahahaha, 'Money I will earn', he says." She laughed aloud, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Haha, ha, okay. You managed to make me laugh. Then what about your winning condition?"

"To stay alive, of course."

"Hoh." She nodded knowingly.

"If by the end of the time limit I'm unperturbed and thriving, it's your loss."

"So what exactly is the difference then?" She smirked, "What will change?"

"It's all a pretense. Yeah, a pretense, don't look at me like that." She squinted her eyes at me as I said these words. "A pretense to change our relationship. If I win, you will tell me everything."

She froze.

"You will tell me everything about you, why you need money, what you actually think of me, why you are so afraid of the higher-ups," she stiffened even more, "Yet you continue to work here. You will tell me everything and stop acting as if you hate me. After all, your actions and words are the exact opposite." I waited for some time so that my words will settle down.

"What about it? Deal?"

She fell deeply in thoughts.

"Don't you think all of this holds too many loopholes?" She finally voiced her doubts.

"I guess…" However, this wager is nothing but a small play, a trick. Also, both of us don't actually want to ruin each other, right? I didn't say this out loud, but I was certain of this fact.

After everything that happened between us, I started doubting if the way she saw me was still the same. I was sure that wasn't a simple lie. She didn't love me, but she stopped seeing me as a pesky brat and a stepping stone as well.

"If you delete all the blackmail materials, I will agree. Heck, forget telling you everything. If you win the bet, I can be your girl, even your sex slave, whatever kinky stuff you are into…" She breathed in and out seductively. Her hands slowly tracing her own curves.

"Hah, do I want this? Or is it your own dream?" Hearing my answer, her face darkened. "But I agree, with a certain special condition of my own as well. I will delete the blackmail material, you will have sex with me. You will try to ruin my life while I will try to survive," I slicked my bed hair back, "I win, you will be mine. You win…" I made a cutting motion with my thumb, "I will present my neck to you."

She squinted her eyes. The violet flame deep inside of her pupils danced wildly.

"I agree." She answered me languidly, her full lips forming a beautiful curvature.

I extended my hand in for a handshake. "We should seal the deal, right?" In return, she gave my hand a scornful look.

"It's a man thing to shake hands like that, don't you think so?"

"I don't?" I raised my eyebrow in suspicion. Why the hell would she talk about this?

"I think we can consummate this in a different way?"

"Consummate?" I was stunned for a second when I finally saw the corners of her eyes moving and a crafty smile. Only now I saw the way she sat.

With her legs crossed, she sat sideways. Her thighs laying one on another created a small ravine and made her simple panties dig deeper into her skin. The waistband of her underwear dug into the skin of her hips, making a slight indentation.

Her stomach was in full display, taut from her posture. It was still a lot less toned than Mara's stomach I saw when she fought. There was no way she could compare to Jessie or Tatiana, but her soft stomach instead added a mature charm to her.

Her shoulders, one of them being lowered while the other one lifted, accentuated her clavicle and formed a somewhat erotic shape. Her chest was puffed proudly. Her two breasts, although held by her bra, swayed ever so slightly.

Using one hand to prop her body, her other hand was slowly rubbing her thigh. "Well, what do you think?" She leaned her head diagonally back, trying to look at me from up high.

"I think you can do whatever you want."

Her eyes flashed as she smiled silently. "You relinquish the initiative? What a bold move."

I shrugged, "Our customs are clearly different. Why not let you act?" With both of my hands behind my head, I lay down on the bed. The only article of clothes left on me was my briefs.

"Hoooh…" She looked me over while I, in return, was drilling a hole in her body.

If my bet was correct, she wanted this no less than I. To move out from this dead-end at which we were currently stuck. She needed to take some initiative back.

"Different customs, you say?" She lazily stretched. With her arms moved upward, the curves on her body wriggled. "You mean I should show you my way of consummating a bet, right?" Saying this, she got down on all fours and crawled upwards.

I was unable to tear my eyes from her hips when she finally lied sideways, hugging me in the process. Her left thigh was over my stomach. The right arm was used as a support for her head while her left arm started circling my chest. All while her massive chest propped against the side of my body.

"Why do you want to know me so much?" She panted into my ear seductively.

"And why am I still able to see you like that?" Glancing at her from the side, I used all of my remaining willpower to look upward at the ceiling.

Her dainty fingers that were dancing against my chest stopped. "Hmph, I simply wasn't able to fight against your luck."

"And I'm very curious and inquisitive," I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. To my answer, she pouted and huffed with her small nose. "Anyway," I turned my head to look at her face, "Don't you think you should say something in return before getting an answer?"

Finally, she calmed down. "You want to play like this with me, huh?" Raising her eyebrow, her violet eyes were radiating her eagerness to play. "You know, a young boy like you has no chance…"

"I think I've already heard this before?" I interrupted her and turned my head to look at the ceiling again.

As her face was close to mine, I heard her chewing on her lips. I wanted to chew on it as well…

"…Hrng… This time I will answer a question of yours." Her palm started slithering down across my body. "You wanted to know it reaaaal bad, didn't you?"

"Huh?" As her hand stopped over my briefs, she started rubbing my little buddy that was already half-awake.

"You asked me if I'm tired of those old men using me, yes I am." Her face moved towards my neck. Her right arm circled around my neck, and now it rested on my chest. Her left hand was currently kneading and rubbing Erlig-junior over my underwear. "I'm terribly tired of those old sacks of shit doing whatever they want. You are a million times better than all of them altogether."

"Huuu." I drew a breath and squinted my eyes involuntarily as her hand finally went inside my underwear. Her fingers played skillfully with two balls of mine.

"Hee-hee." She chuckled from seeing my reaction. "Young body, well endowed, if only you weren't such a poor and stupid bastard…"

"Hrnghh, yeah, whatever." I tried to alleviate this feeling.

"Such a pity that sex with you can't compare to the one I have with my lover. It's infinitely better, gulp." She finally let go of my junior, and I was able to take a breather. As she sat up, I lifted my upper body as well.

"I still have room for improvement."

"You do…" Her gaze was unmoving as she stared at the large tent that was formed in my underwear.

"Hey, aren't you way too thirsty?" I wanted to tease her a bit, but I didn't expect it to end like this.

"Thirsty? I don't want to drink?" Why are you asking me if you aren't thirsty? I wanted to interject. "You said I can do whatever I want, right?"

"Yes..." after hearing my answer, she moved downward, and now her upper body enveloped my thighs. Her hands were holding the sides of my hip.

"Now listen well, student Erlig, as I'm going to show you how to consummate the deal with a woman."