"Take me home", I tell my driver. "Sure thing K", he says. I grab my cellphone in my pocket and call home.
The voice on the outside is old and sweet.
"Hey Ma", I say.
"Hey baby. How are you doing over there on the bigger side of the world", she asks me. I chuckle and tell her, "the bigger side of the world really makes you feel like a peanut. But I'm good though Ma, just finding my place out of this shell".
"Well that's good baby. Your dad is just doing what he does best and yelling at the TV", she tells me.
"Soccer ey", I ask with a chuckle. "What else", she responds. "So why did you call", she asks me.
"What, a son can't call home to let them know he's still alive", I tell her. My mother just laughs. "Anyways how's the old house doing", I ask her. "It's doing great considering you spent a whole lot of money to redo the entire house both inside and out", she tells me.
"Well yeah. I mean it would have been cheaper for me to just buy you guys a new house. But you refused", I state.
"Memories baby, memories", she states. "You know K, I'm so convinced that there's a part of you in all these trendy songs the kids keep playing around the neighbourhood. But I think to myself that's impossible cause my K is just a business investor. So how could that be", she continues on.
"If you miss me Ma just say it", I tell with a forced laugh. "I'll always miss you K and you know that. Anyways I have to go to now, your dad is complaining about his hunger. Hey, you really should call TK",she tells me
"Come on Ma, you know TK and I haven't spoken in years. And I'm the last person he'd want to talk to", I tell her.
"Well you should. He's not in a very good place right now. He just needs an old friend by his side.
A lot changed ever since you left", she states.
"Ma. Everything changed after Chris", I tell her.
"Ever more the reason you should call TK. Just please think about it okay, for your old sweet mother",she says.
I sigh heavily and tell her, "okay Ma I'll think about it".
She ends the conversation with, "I love you K".
And I respond with, "I love you too Ma".