The Trinity of Idiots

The Welina Hotel was having a chill evening, with the Marinos throwing a big party for Karl and Riko's wedding anniversary. All sorts of important people showed up - from businessmen to warlords, politicians, and even famous folks. Riko strutted out of her changing room in her classic black cocktail dress, while Karl strolled in later with just a regular shirt and pants on. That made Riko smack him on the head like "I told you to wear the suit I laid out!"

"No big deal, it's just a party," Karl replied, welcoming the invited guest.

After that, they mingled with the attendees and kept them entertained. A few moments later, Rafael and Kanna showed up at the location and caught Kyoko's attention.

"You guys are running late," Kyoko teased her brother while rolling her eyes at the couple.

"Paranaque is quite a distance from Taguig," explained Rafael as Kyoko acknowledged his response. The three of them took seats close to the main table and observed the guests.

"Just take a look at these folks," whispered Kanna discreetly.

"These people, not just Mom's so-called 'friend', but also Dad's allies or associates," Kyoko said, "if we're talking about friends, they are his inner circle."

"Wow, look at them," Kanna exclaimed as she saw Erina approaching Rafael.

"Hey there Rafael," Erina greeted the young man with a kiss on each cheek and went back to her spot by the sea.

"No need to be jealous, right?" Kanna reassured Kyoko who walked away to greet the other guests, leaving the couple alone.

"Take a seat with me," suggested Rafael. Kanna nodded happily and sat down to enjoy an amazing dinner.


As the night went on, Riko sat with her friends and got intoxicated, while Karl chatted with politicians on the side.

"Erina, you're such a classy lady. Yoshiko must have raised you really well," Riko proudly stated as she stared at Erina. "I think she'll make a great wife."

"Thank you for saying that, Madam Marino," Yoshiko replied as Erina blushed from the flattery.

"If Rafael were interested or open to it, I'd suggest him getting to know you better and maybe even considering marrying you," Riko continued drinking wine from her glass.

"But your son already has a girlfriend," Mayu interjected. Riko drank more wine before bluntly criticizing the Fontierras.

"Yeah, I know that. But we can't welcome into our family a girl whose parents want to kill me or my husband."

Rafael had been paying attention the whole time, while Kanna looked down to avoid feeling embarrassed.

"Forget about my mom, she just wants to impress her friends," Rafael reassured Kanna, gripping her hand. "You're the only girl I'll ever love and marry."

"I'm relieved that you can still say that in this messed up world," Kanna said, fighting back tears as they walked out of the ballroom.


Meanwhile, over at the other table, Karl was busy chatting it up with the top cops and influential figures. He was trying to avoid getting caught up in Riko's attention-seeking behavior.

"Hey Karl, your son dating Albert Fontierra's daughter is like sleeping with or even worse, having relations with the enemy," Charlie said casually while munching on some lamb.

"Ah come on! Albert Fontierra ain't no big deal compared to those Triads and Mexican Cartel. We've taken down Bang Du and Mahsati. Now I have to handle Fernando and Javier," Karl responded dismissively.

"So Senator Marino, those Triads must be a pain in the ass to deal with right?" asked the Police Chief from up north as he took a sip of his wine. Karl grinned, taking a swig from his cup before replying sarcastically,

"You're outta luck pal! They're infiltrating right under your nose - coming through Port Irene and setting themselves up in tenement homes. And here you are unable to send your men there." Gustav chimed in jokingly, "If you don't act soon enough Chief

"We've been dealing with issues like human trafficking and prostitution, drugs, illegal entry," Helen added. "It's been seven years since we went to war to take control of the states away from the triad's grimy grasp."

"That's where Albert Fontierra and his northern associates come in," Karl replied. "They're involved in all kinds of trafficking."

"Oppa, how do you plan on stopping all this?" asked Jamie, who was a newbie politician under Karl.

Karl chuckled before growing serious and staring intently at his colleagues. "If I could eradicate it all, I'd be hailed as a saint or martyr – even risking my life for it. So both of you as Director of the National Bureau of Investigation and Police Chief need to hit the field harder. We've already provided enough intel on where these criminals are hiding."

"We can definitely do that," said the police chief. "But we need your cooperation too."

"Let them make their move first," Karl declared to the chiefs. "That'll be when those crooks meet their downfall."

"Do you think Madam Takako, Mr. Ruskov, or Mr. Kosaka will lend a hand in our campaign?" The Director of the National Bureau of Investigation inquired.

"Their hands are full," Karl answered, "There a saying we follow, don't bring the loaches in."

"Now, the burden is with President," Gustav added, "If everything gets worse the nation will be overrun by baboons"

"Isn't that the fault of the voters?" Jamie asked, raising everyone's eyebrows.


As the party went on, Rafael and Kanna entered a presidential suite, using Rafael's dad's credentials. They were just waiting for the party to finish so they could relax. Eventually, they both sat on a comfy bed and looked out the window at the bustling metropolis.

"Hey," Kanna said casually as she glanced at Rafael who couldn't take his eyes off her captivating beauty.

"Yeah?" he answered with affection in his voice while placing his hand gently on her lap.

"Do you really mean what you said earlier at dinner?" she asked curiously but sincerely. Rafael nodded, captivated by her words.

"Of course I do. Life wouldn't be complete without you." Kanna sighed deeply and shared her thoughts from deep within:

"I wish this whole war would finally end someday... We've grown up in this world where power and status seem to rule over everything. But we have to fight for what truly matters." He held onto Kanna even tighter, making his promise clear: "And as long as I'm here with you, no one will ever hurt or harm you. I'll protect what I love even if it means facing death."

The two locked eyes in a moment of anticipation and desire. Rafael slowly unzipped Kanna's dress from behind, revealing a body that was nothing short of breathtaking - each curve and contour an artistic masterpiece for the eye to feast upon. Simultaneously, with deliberate motions, Kanna began undoing the buttons on Rafael's polo shirt and pants, unveiling a form that every woman yearned for their men to possess – sculpted muscles exuding strength and virility; gifts that Raphael had diligently nurtured since his adolescent years. As if entranced by their own magnetism, Raphael gently guided his willing companion onto a soft surface below as he pressed his lips tenderly against hers. It was as though he were offering up prayers before embarking on a journey into her sanctuary –a place enveloped in pure ecstasy. Underneath the watchful gaze of the radiant moon above them, they surrendered themselves to love's intoxicating blend of pleasure and lust—a celestial symphony solely reserved for passionate souls intertwined.


After the party, Rafael made his way back to their house where he found Karl chilling on the veranda. As soon as Rafael was about to step inside, Karl took hold of his arm.

"I know you're not gonna like what I'm about to say, but I think it's best if you cut ties with that girl," said Karl, causing Rafael to feel disappointed.

"Did Uncle Arjan and Mom put pressure on you during the party?" questioned an indignant Rafael.

"Hold up a sec. Let me explain myself: I don't want anything bad happening to you because of this girl. My priority is protecting our family."

"And is that your only reason? Seriously, Dad? Isn't that kinda selfish?"

"Well pardon me if I'm not interested in selling fish! Have you even considered what could go wrong if you keep fighting for some useless love?!"

"Dad, she's my everything and we're gonna fight for each other no matter what!" Rafael declared before his father shook him by the shoulder trying to snap him out of this love spell he seemed trapped in.

"Are you challenging me? Wake up, they'll murder you," Karl warned harshly, gripping his son's shirt collar. Rafael spoke up defiantly and stood his ground,

"Dad, if it bothers you so much then fine. I won't let her go. This argument doesn't even make sense."

As both Rafael and Karl remained steadfast with their stubbornness and refused to back down from the confrontation, a man in his sixties entered the scene and positioned himself between them. The head of the Marino family took notice of this newcomer and released his hold on Rafael's collar as Rafael hurried over to respectfully kiss the old man's ring.

"Hey there Uncle Cardinal," greeted Rafael warmly. The elderly man inquired about what was happening with a curious tone, asking for an explanation.

"Just a little chat between father and son," Karl replied, "I thought you were at the Vatican, Julio?" "The synod is over, so I'm supposed to be back here," Julio responded, handing his brother the hat to put away.

"Then you should start your pastoral visits,"

"But that's not until two months from now," "Whatever," Karl muttered as Julio entered the mansion and plopped down on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table.

"Now Rafael, why don't you come help me out today with my pastoral visit?" Julio asked calmly.

"Sure, no problem. I'd do anything for you Your Eminence," Rafael answered while Karl sat down in frustration trying to calm himself.

Julio Cardinal Marino, the esteemed older brother of Karl, is not only known for his familial ties but also for his significant role as the Archbishop of Manila. Recently bestowed with the prestigious title of cardinal by Leo the Fourteenth, Julio's ascension in rank brought him even closer to divinity. In terms of physical appearances, it is striking to note that Julio shares both height and facial features with his younger sibling Karl. However, this resemblance manifests in their outward appearance alone; their minds are polar opposites when it comes to their outlook on life. While Karl resides comfortably within the realm of immorality and indulgence, fuelled by societal vices and pleasures, Julio stands firm upon a foundation built entirely upon religious devotion and righteousness. His principled lifestyle resonates deeply within every aspect he undertakes - from personal decisions to matters involving national politics. As Primate and leader of the Catholic Church in Manila, his influential position reverberates well beyond prayer halls into political corridors. Julio's commitment extends far beyond clerical duties; displaying unwavering loyalty towards family ties amidst diverse responsibilities showcases just one facet of this multifaceted individual. When fate confronted Karl during imprisonment or necessitated delicate diplomatic relations between Japan and Vatican City, it was none other than Julio who facilitated his release


Rafael took his dad's sleek white car and headed up to the mountains with the Cardinal. It was about an hour away from the city, so they decided to take it easy and enjoy a leisurely drive while catching up.

"So what were you guys fighting about earlier?" asked the cardinal curiously.

"My old man is not too thrilled about my girlfriend," replied Rafael casually.

"What's his issue with her?" inquired the cardinal once more.

"Well, turns out Kanna's dad had something to do with that attack on my folks. I couldn't just sit back and let her get hurt," Rafael explained nonchalantly. "I'm dead serious when it comes to keeping her safe."

"I gotta tell you something about your dad," spilled The Cardinal, "Your old man gave up everything just to escape the political scene and live a simple life as a farmer or worker. But dang war messed it all up for him, and let me tell you, raising you all changed his whole perspective. He never got what he wanted but still busted his butt tryin'. So even if you ain't crazy 'bout his choices, show some respect for your father."

"Well I still kinda respect him in my own way, but I'm gonna do things my own way too, away from living under his shadow," replied Rafael.

"Look son, I couldn't give any advice to your pops on this situation of yours. All I can do is say a prayer for you and your girl," offered The Cardinal as they pulled in at the spot – some mountainous place Julio started preachin' like some holy missionary. Karl sure would've liked seein' Rafael become a priest though.


Later that night, Rafael and Cardinal came back to Marino residence for dinner. They were clearly tired from their mission and sat on the left side of the dining table.

"Rafael, you're just in time," Riko said, "Now we're talking about whether you should marry Erina." Karl, Julio, Rafael and the other Marino siblings looked surprised at what Riko had announced. The father stopped eating and gave his wife a sarcastic look.

"Did I say something wrong?" Riko asked.

"Just because I don't disapprove of Kanna Fontierra doesn't mean you can sell your son," Karl replied.

"I'm not selling him, I'm just giving him a selection of suitable girls to choose from for marriage."

"He doesn't have a choice, you only mentioned Erina and it's already arranged."

"That's what will benefit Rafael."

"Rafael is twenty-four years old, still young. And remember, you also arranged Kyoko's marriage when she wasn't ready yet."

"It's for the sake of our family."

"There isn't anything positive about pressuring someone into marrying without love," Karl clarified.

Riko was furious, angrily banging the table and giving her husband a death stare as she exclaimed, "You've done nothing but bring chaos and suffering to this family. You even arranged your sister's marriage like it was some kind of business transaction! The three of you are absolute dimwits - one brother buying a red hat for the other to become a Cardinal? How stupid can you get? And don't even get me started on our spineless father who does nothing and the son who never listens. Honestly, you guys make up the Holy Trinity of stupidity!"

"So, basically, you're saying we're a bunch of idiots," Karl exclaimed as he shook his head.

"You planned this whole thing just to spite us and keep the Fontierras angry at us."

"Now it all makes sense," Rafael interrupted, realization dawning on him. "Your disapproval of Kanna is because she reminds you of your younger sister."

"You think I would disapprove if it wasn't for your safety?" Karl questioned his son.

"I'd rather die than not be with her!" Rafael yelled in frustration before storming out of the dining room.

"See?!" Riko said triumphantly. "I knew this was going to happen."

"Julio, let's go. I'm taking you back home to Villa San Miguel," Karl declared firmly. "I'm heading to my ex-wife's place - someone who never had the audacity to call us stupid names like 'Cardinatial' or 'Patriarchal idiot.' Enough is enough." With that, Karl and Julio left the dining room and then exited the entire mansion altogether.