Part 9 -- Another

"Ali?" Maya said as her eyes filled with tears and she ran over to Ali. "Why are you here?" Maya asked worriedly. "I don't know, I went to bed, fell asleep and woke up here." Ali said, tears starting to fall from her eyes. Maya wrapped her arms around Ali, they stood there for ages crying. "Hold on!" Maya said to her strangely. "You aren't with anyone. How can you compete for your life back?" Maya asked concerned. Ali smiled proudly, "I am Maya. We didn't want to tell anyone. His name is David.". "David? From class David?" Maya asked her. "Yep." Ali responded as both of their faces lit up and they began smiling and laughing to themselves.

"Maya and Ali, it's your turn now." Ali jumped, "What is that? Our turn for what?" Ali asked sounding frightened." Maya turned and grabbed her hand, they ran to the palaces main hall. "We are going through in there to write to our other halves. "Maya I don't know what I need to do, you ran out of time last night." Ali said worried. "Just write on anything you can find, don't scare him, you get 20 words. Just ask him to get a medium." Maya replied quickly as they both walked through the glowing doorway and disappeared into the other side.


As Maya walked through the corridor of her home she walked past Ali's room and it was in this moment where it became too real and there was no stopping the tears that fell down her face. She walked into the kitchen and picked up the pen. She then wrote we need to prove we're soulmates. Don't go into Ali's room, she's dead. She's in Nova. Phone the police now.

Meanwhile Ali was waking through Davids home. She went into his office first hoping that he had left a bit of paper and a pen lying around, No! She went into the living room next, still nothing. The kitchen, his shopping list, there must be a pen lying around that. As she stepped into the kitchen she noticed the shopping list straight away. As she waked over to it she could make out his handwriting, silent tears fell down her face as she realised she may never speak to him again in person and feel his arms around her. She noticed a pen nearby, and as she picked it up she began to write. It's Ali. Sorry i haven't spoken in a while. I've passed away. Just phone Dawson. Get a medium. Trust me.

As Ali walked back through Davids from door and Maya through hers they were transported back into Nova. As Maya sat on the window seat waiting for Ali to come back through she heard, "Hey" from behind her. Ali came up with tears in her eyes and sat down beside Maya. Maya took her by the hand and raced upstairs. "Hot chocolate?" Maya asked as she said. Ali smiled and nodded as her eyes dried up.