Tickle Fight!

I jogged home since I was in a jumper and leggings,I also need to keep my fitness up for the gym anyways so I might as well.The gym is only twenty minutes away from my house but I felt my legs starting to drag on the ground so I started to walk.I was looking around the neighborhood thinking about my family.

My mom remarried to Henry after my dad died, she moved on really quick, it wasn't real love she just wanted a replacement.I hated Henry there was something about him that got under my Skin .He was tall and broad and definitely good looking but he had no emotion he was definitely putting up an act.His eyes are grey and have no warmth at all, nothing father like at all.I hate the way he treats my step-brother and sister,Jessie and Lilo. He acts as if they've no feelings at all.Lilo and Jessie both act like robots fake as well as their father.And I know for a fact they hate me and my family.But this year is a fresh start I was going to try be nicer to them but not Henry I'll never open up to that evil man.

I jogged up the path that led to a mansion of a house.but before I could even get my keys out of my pocket and put it into the door, my two brothers lee and Joey opened the door for me with giddy smiles on their faces And cake mix on their clothes and face.I couldn't help but laugh.

"Heyyy sky"they both yeld excitedly. "What's going here?" I asked suspiciously scared I was going to get pranked.I stepped into the hallway.

Lee and Joey both grabbed an arm each and dragged me onto the sofa "TICKLE FIGHT!"they both shouted,and started to tickle the daylights out of me. "AHHH STOPPPP" " IM GOING TO KILL YOUS TWWWOOOO" I screamed between gasps of laughter, tears were streaming out of my eyes from laughing. Joey and Lee stopped tickling me to let me breath.before they started round two I scrambled off the sofa and ran towards the kitchen were I could smell cupcakes.I turned around to see my two brothers chasing me looking like two mad cats!

"ouch" I bashed into someone's hard chest.I looked up to see scary grey unimpressed eyes staring down at me. Lilo. I suddenly got a cold feeling rushed into my body. I shuddered, "s-s-sorry" I stammered. 

Why was I so scared,I'll tell you why. He's a scary ass looking dude who looks like he murderd a whole family with a smile on his face! Although this isn't true I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

I snapped back into reality and stood away from his brick wall chest that I nearly broke my poor nose off. "Sorry about that" I said tapping his shoulder suddenly getting my confidence. "These two loons were trying to kill me" I turned around to my brothers giving me sheepish smiles. 

Lilo just rolled his eyes and walked past me into the kitchen while banging his shoulder against mine acting as if I didn't exist. I stuck my tongue out at him, lee and Joey both sniggered. "I saw that" Lilo  said with his back still turned. "Saw what?" I asked him innocently my head tilted slightly acting clueless.

Henry walked in with a fake smile plastered on his face. "Never mind" Lilo mumbled to himself.But I heard him. Every time Henry walked into a room were Lilo and Jessie were there they'd both turn into Robots and go mute.well they were always mute but more mute then usual.kinds weird.

"Hey" Henry said to us all.I just nodded in response not bothering to look at him.Everyone in my family fell for his 'nice' act but I won't.I'll get to the bottom of what he was up too...

lee walked up to me and whispered in my ear that him and Joey were going upstairs and to meet them in 5 minutes for a movie night. I winked in response. Henry gave us a suspicious look but I just glared at him. 

I walked over to the sink to get a glass of water, Henry just kept staring at me like a creep. "Jeez does he ever stop staring" I muttered for only Lilo to hear me. Lilo looked at me in amusement and nearly grinned but stopped himself in time.I signed in disappointment. " you nearly smiled" I said into Lilo's ear. I smiled at him sadly, him still giving me a blank expression.

I walked past Henry not even looking at him I walked out of the kitchen carefully not spilling my water,I ran up the stairs to meet my brothers in The movie room.

I heard glass shatter. Lilo probably dropped a glass or something I thought.I rolled my eyes,

I didn't think anything of it.all I thought about is the cupcakes in the oven, they'll probably burn I thought...