
"Get herrrr!" Lee and Joey shouted as they plopped there muscly body's on top of me "AHHHH" "GET OFFF" I growled. Lee and Joey were rolling around on my bedroom floor laughing there heads off. "You should have seen your face!" Joey gasps between laughs.

Joey and Lee are Identical twins, and I may say so myself but they were really good looking for a pair of dopes! They both have brown hair and blue eyes, freckles(the same as me)on there nose and cheeks.They have muscly body's because of soccer.they were super kind and lovable at home,But in school there 'mr don't talk to me'. I rolled my eyes

"Get up schools in an hour and you look awful" Lee said with a grin. I scowled "your not looking so good yourself over there bro" I said whilst messing up his bed hair even more. "Meet ye downstairs" they said at the same time. Creepy.

I wasn't really nervous for school.I had my friends and I was smart enough I got Bs and As and sometimes Cs, but it's not as if my mom cares any ways. I walked over to my wardrobe to pick out my outfit.I wasn't going to pick anything special to wear, I picked up some high waisted black jeans and a white tank top,I picked up my old school black vans from under my bed and put them on quickly, I ran to my bathroom quickly brushed my hair.I put them in two quick Dutch braids and I brushed my teeth. I put on some mascara and a little bit of lip gloss.easy done.

I rushed downstairs before everyone eat everything. I walked to the kitchen table,The only empty seat was next to Lilo. "Great" I mumbled, I strolled over to the seat acting as it I wasn't running around like a mad child two minutes ago. Before I could even sit down Lilo pulled out the chair from under me and I landed on my butt with a massive 'thud!'

Everyone laughed even my brothers,Jessie tried to cover the fact she was laughing with the back of her hand, even though I could clearly see her laughing. Lilo just looked down at me laughing his head off. "MY BUTTT" I screamed only pretending I was in pain. I playfully rubbed my butt, which got everyone laughing harder. I smiled to myself, I got up from the floor and slapped the back of Lilo's head lightly. "Nobody's going to ask me if I'm okay" I said folding my arms. "Nope" Lee said with a grin. "Lilo you better give me all your  bacon for that!" I said while grabbing the last piece of bacon on his plate and taking a bite out of it. Lilo just glared at my playfully. See this Is a real family I thought. "Jessie I trusted you!" I said sitting down on my chair carefully so that Lilo couldn't try ruin my butt again. "Sorryyyy" Jessie said while tossing her ginger hair to the side shyly and pushing her glasses up her nose. I winked at her so she knew I was only messing.

Henry stormed in "what was that noise?!Sky are you okay?" He shouted. Which made me wince. "I'm fine I just fell off my chair" I lied. I didn't want to get Lilo in trouble I'll just prank him back later. Lilo looked up at me with thankful eyes. I winked at him. "Then what what was all that laughing" Henry shouted banging his fist on the table, that made all the plates move. "Jeez calm down it was funny obviously" I said in a duh voice ignoring the looks from my brothers signaling me to shut up and a look of amusement from Jessie and Lilo. "Don't talk to me like that young lady!" Henry shouted walking towards me. Before he could make his way to me. Me and my brothers all got up the same time, "got to go to school, or we'll be late" I said cheekily. "Lilo, Jessie you coming?" I said looking at them while grabbing my red vans bag. (I love vans sorry)

"No I'll take them" Henry said whilst glaring at Jessie who was about to get up from her seat to come with us. "Okayyy, cya later" I said while jogging off to the front door dragging my brothers with me.

We got outside and they both looked at me shocked "that was close" I giggled. "You were walking into a death trap sky!, are you crazy?!" Joey shouted clearly impressed . "Yes I am super crazy, now let's go or I'll be late for my first day back" I said stomping over to the Jeep. Joey and Lee just stood there still looking at me in shock. "Get in" I shouted at them hoping into the seat next to the wheel. That snapped them back to reality. Lee got into the front and started to drive.

"Turn on the radio!" Joey shouted from the back. "What do you sayyy?." I said in a baby voice. "Pleaseeeeee" Joey said copying my baby voice. "There we go" I said laughing turning on the radio and raising the volume nearly full max.

Harry styles watermelon suger came on and me and my brothers brothers sang along the whole way to school.

God I'd die for a watermelon right now. I barley got any breakfast because of Henry.ah well totally worth seeing the look on Henry's face when I gave him cheek. I grinned.


We got to the school I looked out the window, the whole school was staring.I gulped pretending not to be scared. "Here goes nothing"I said to nobody more for myself,getting out of the car.