
I'm one of the last ones to wake up, of course. I climb down the ladder and peer into Ravens bed.

"Someone was tired." I stated

"Only because of our long bus drive"

No one else was in the bunks, they must have gone out for breakfast or a morning run.

"Where is everyone else?"


"You didn't go?"

"I wanted to wait for you."

That was nice of her maybe she's not mad at me. I don't know if I should ask if she was mad at me or just act like nothing happened between Jackson and me.

"Where'd you go last night?" Raven asks.

I have to tell her the truth or she'll find out from the boys or someone else, but what if she gets mad at me? What if she's mad I didn't tell her yesterday at the skate park?

"I went to the park with Jackson" I gulped.

"Alone? As in the two of you?"

"Yeah just us, he asked me to before we went to the skate park"

"Any reason why?"

"He wanted to stargaze"

"Oh wow okay" She said quietly

"Are you mad?"

"No, why would I be mad? Just shocked, I didn't know you liked Jackson"

Flash backs of her laying in my lap on the bus and her kissing the scar on my arm replay in my mind. The way she made me feel in those moments, the butterflies but what about Jackson he kissed me and he obviously likes me.

"Let's get food!" she shouts jumping up from the ground and running upstairs.

Racing up behind her we look at all our breakfast option and decide on cheese toasties.

Just as we finish eating the class comes back from breakfast, Jackson walks through the door and smiles at me. Oh no I am going to have to tell him I don't feel that way about him. What if it shatters his heart? Will he forgive me?

"The Moonbright kids are coming in earlier to go surfing with us." says Curtis.

"Finally surfing some different waves." replies Raven.

"Surely we ask Kennedy if we can go in before they arrive." Asks Cooper

"Good idea I'll ask"

Walking over to Miss Kennedy who's still finishing her chips from breakfast, I put on my innocent smile.

"Hey Miss can we please get in the water before the Moonbright kids get here?"

"No the teacher said the currents here are different and to wait for them to show us where it's safe"

"But Miss, what are we meant to do until they get here"

"I don't know Thomasyn, maybe go for a walk into town?"

"Fine," I angrily walk back to the group.

Shaking my head they all sigh in disappointment. I was really hoping she would say yes, the waves look amazing right now. She's such a tight ass.The boys start walking away together.

"Where are you guys going?"

"To skate for a bit, text us when the Moonbright guys get here" answers Jackson.

"Okay have fun."

I look around for Raven, why is she talking to Kasey, Kasey hates me. How am I meant to ask Raven if she wants to go into town without talking to Kasey? I'll have to just walk over there and hope for the best. I walk to raven with my head down, please don't speak to me.

"What are you doing near me freak?" Kasey says looking me up and down.

"I'm just here to ask Raven something."

"What's up Thomasyn?" asks Raven.

"Do you want to skate into town with me?" I whisper to her.

"No she doesn't you gross dyke"

I feel the tears burning my eyes, I run away before they start to stream down my face. I didn't even look at raven when I walked away, I can't believe she didn't even say anything to Kasey, she didn't even stand up for me.

I went to the door grabbing my skateboard and down the stairs, I hit the road and start skating towards town as fast as fast as possible. I let the Tears stream down my face.

The town is compacted but larger than back home, the shops and buildings look ancient but updated. I walk past a jewellery shop with an unusual name. It read 'Thaivalon'. This place looks interesting, wonder if they have anything I like.

The door has a small bell that made a sound as I entered checking out the store. The store wasn't wide but it was long, the jewellery look outdated and vintage. The pendants on the necklaces looked like swirling oceans, everything looked like it was from sailors and their ships. I looked at the rings and found one I knew Raven would like, it was a silver snake with blue gem eyes.

"Young lady are you from here?"

Holy shit, where did this old lady come from? Composing myself from the fright of my life I answer.

"No I'm on a school camp here"

The bell for the door went off as a woman in a black burqa that revealed nothing but her intimidating blue eyes walked in. I picked out a necklace that was in a cool tribal sort of shape and grabbed the ring for Raven and walked to the counter where the little old lady was.

"You have their eyes" the old lady quivered

"Who's eyes?"

"Be safe girl be safe"

"What do you mean?"

"Sunrise never sunset, go to the hills not the tides"

"Okay "I reassure still having no idea what she was talking about.

Walking out to my skateboard I take out the necklace and put it on and put the bag with Raven's ring in my pocket. I check my phone for the time. 1:00 oh shit the Moonbright kids will definitely be at the surf club by now.

I skate back slowly because I'm nervous of how Raven will be around me, I don't understand why she's mad or if she's even mad.

Like I thought, the students were here already, people were already in their wetsuits and making their way to the water. Walking into the bunk rooms I hear Kasey laughing and talking along with a few other girls. I sit down on Ravens bed and it let out a creak while I get my bag out to find my wetsuit.

"Thomasyn why are you perving get out"

"I'm just getting changed and grabbing my wetsuit, like everyone else" I say agitated

I can't let Kasey get to my head, its nothing new Thomasyn just be cool and calm.

"I feel uncomfortable changing when you're here"

"Why would you Kasey? I like Jackson not you?"

Saying that I pulled my shirt and shorts over my bathers and grabbed my wetsuit and walked out.

The Moonbright kids explained the way the currents and tides worked and the best surfing spots along the main beach. We all paddled out and waited for a set. I found the boys and sat with them while waiting to see if Raven would come out and surf.

Jackson isn't the best surfer in our group but I love watching him try, he always makes us all laugh. Cooper and Curtis would have to be the best since they skip school a lot more to go surfing than the rest of us.

"Thomasyn come over here" calls Jackson who's paddled away from the group

I Paddle over till I'm sitting next to him in the water, I give him a little smile

"Yeah what's up" I ask

"So last night happened"

"Yeah it did' I giggle

"So what does that make us?"

"I don't think it's the right time for us"

"But last night was fun?and i really like you"

"Because after camp you move away on your scholarship the following week"


"And I'd rather not make the goodbye harder"


He looked really hurt so a got off my board and pulled him into the water, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and the best hug I could while trying to keep afloat. He smiled and hugged me back. We paddled back to the group and continued having a blast catching waves and bantering.

We say goodbye to the students, Miss Kennedy had lit a fire and asked everyone to come sit with their dinner. I was last to get into the showers so I took my time. I walk out of the showers to see Raven sitting on her bed holding the ring I brought her.

"I thought you might have liked it"

She doesn't say anything and keeps looking at the ring, I squat down beside her to get to my bag so I can put my toiletries away. When I go to stand back up she pulls me into her bed making me fall on top of her, her hand still around the collar of my shirt she looks into my eyes and then down at my lips. She pulls me into her until her soft lips touch mine, I hold the side of her face with my fingers, kissing her passionately back.

"Raven, Thomasyn, come get it while it's hot" calls Miss Kennedy

She pulls away slowly while biting my bottom lip, butterflies fill my body as she pushes me back and runs up the stairs to get dinner. Sitting flustered and confused I wait for my cheeks to stop being red before going upstairs and joining everyone.