I was laid on something warm and cozy I couldn't help but snuggle closer to it.
"What a beautiful child..."
"Indeed. Must be a princess, don't you think?"
"But why would she be lost and wounded?"
"Perhaps ambushed?"
"Good thing you saw her, Yulen."
A purring sound suddenly made my eyes flutter open. I jumped from laying and scanned my whereabout.
I'm in a very weird place. This place is all brown and woody. There's little light coming from a small hole from above. The walls were like tree trunks enclosing this a bit wide room. There's a table, a cabinet, and things? Why would there be things? And where am I?!
I stood up but only to jump again when I touched something hairy. Turning around, I was shocked when familiar golden eyes greeted my vision.
My eyes widened, my lips parted, and when I processed what I saw, I screamed to the top of my lungs that almost shook this place.
The wolf growled and stood up, scaring me even more. I ran away from it and found safety on top of one wooden table. It wasn't high enough but it's better than be next to this very huge wolf!
It wagged its white, long, furry tail and walked closer to me.
"P-Please! Stay there! Stay there, kitty! Or doggie!" I panicked, my palms signalling it to stop. Then, it stopped and just stared up at me with its magical golden eyes.
That made me ease a bit, allowing me to think clearly. What happened yesterday was very horrifying. I thought this wolf will eat me alive but it didn't! In fact, I was brought here... in this wooden house.
I eased my hand and looked around. There's a door leading to I don't know where. Maybe outside?
I faced the wolf again.
"Where am I? Are you someone's pet? A royal's pet, perhaps? Did someone help me when I was knocked out in Haldorre?"
It just huffed and wagged it's tail. Not an answer.
"But you're a good dog, aren't you?" I asked again. It's head bent a little sideways. I groaned. I don't even understand that. Since I was a kid, I never really liked cats nor dogs. I don't know why but I really don't. Tho, I don't hate them.
I inhaled deeply and smiled at it. "I'm Ciara. And look, I'm a really nice person except the eye. But don't mind my eye, okay? Now... I will go down the table and will go outside to meet..."
My words were cut off when it walked out of the door, leaving me behind. I stared at it with disbelief.
"I'm a princess, you know that? You should bow to me, atleast!"
I went outside, too, proving two things. One, I'm really inside a big tree. And two, I'm still in Haldorre.
With all the big trees, gigantic vines, houses covered with plants and flowers... I'm sure this is Haldorre. It looks less scary by day and thinking I'm not really alone here, makes me less afraid than I should be.
I gasped loudly when I heard the same womanly voice last night. What? Are there really ghosts here or none?
"H-Hello? Are you... the dog owner? Did you helped me?"
"She can hear us, then..."
I swallowed hard and looked around. Nothing to enlighten me. Where in the world these voices are coming from?
"W-Where are you...all?"
"Child, listen to us... Don't be afraid."
I would like to change position with them so they'll feel that it's impossible I wouldn't be afraid.
"Child... you're in Haldorre."
Maybe I should talk to them. It's harmless. "Y-Yes, ladies... I'm aware that I'm in Haldorre. The Ghost City... right?"
I heard laughters around me. "Are you lost, dear?"
"I'm not... I really intended to go here."
I jumped when squeaking sounds came from nowhere. But they were gone, too. Those aren't rats, are they?!
"You're heading Haldorre? But why?"
"I-It's a long story... I, uh, my father me father to go here." I bit my lip hard when the big, white wolf came into vision. "I-It's okay to stay here, isn't it?"
"No one can harm you here."
"Nothing in your thoughts are real..."
Laughters again. Ugh, this is confusing. I'm talking with someone I can't even had an eye contact!
"You're safe here... But we don't know if we are safe from you... Are we?"
I stilled and frowned in the air. "Are you... talking about my eye?"
"Yes, dear. Your right eye doesn't look normal..."
I don't think they're not in the place to tell me what's normal right now. I shook my thoughts away.
Another voice said. "You have the eyes of the Castherra... Though, only one..."
They know something! I didn't expect I had found not just shelter here, but also answers!
"What's Castherra?"
But no answers came after a long silence. My brows raised. "Hello? Are you still there?"
The white wolf nudged me on the side that made me stumbled. I glared at it but realized this could be dangerous so I instantly smiled.
"Hi, good dog! Don't eat me, okay?"
It huffed again and its head moved sideways. I stood up hesitantly and shake the dust off of my already dirty, ragged gown.
I flinched when it bit the tip of my gown and pulled it.
"Hey! Hey, dog! Let go of my dress!" I pulled it forcefully from its sharp teeth, making the fabric tore apart. I gasped loudly. "Oh, no! My dress!"
It snorted and went behind me, then pushed me forward, making me stumble to the ground again. I groaned in annoyance and stood up to face it with angry eyes.
"What is your problem, dog?! Why did you tore my dress and push me—HAH!" It advanced to me and I don't know how it did it, but I was suddenly on its back.
My heart boomed in shocked. Then, it started running fast that I had no choice but to grasp on his furs and close my eyes until I felt it finally stopped. I was breathing hard when I looked around.
Wow, where are we? Green bushes and colorful flowers are everywhere.
When the wolf lowered its back, I slide my way down. My heels clattered against crystalline rock beneath me.
My lips parted in amazement. Leaves and vines were hanging from branches of large trees that encircles this refreshing nature. When I went to the edge of the rocks, I saw a very blue and clean water. There are lots of fishes below, too!
My thoughts were stopped when I felt a pushed behind me. With one loud shout, my body fell in the cold water.
My eyes widened in awe when I saw the life underneath. Fishes are glowing with different colors and they were like dancing as they swim!
I turned and I realized I was surrounded with lots of them, swirling like a tornado, fast like a machine wheel! Until I felt my body ascending the water. I gasped for a lungful of air when I reached the surface. I wiped the water away from my face and looked below. The fishes weren't there anymore.
What just happened? That was complete magic!
I stared up at the wolf standing proudly on the rocks and staring down at me with its glowing golden eyes.
I couldn't help but smile at it. "You're a good dog! You must've smelt that I really stink so you wanted me to take a bath, right?"
It didn't answer me. I just smiled and one by one, I took off my dirty gown and threw them on the nearest rocks.
When I looked up, the wolf was gone. Still, I continued to feel the refreshing water of this tiny pool.
It took me minutes to finish my bath on the cool water. I thought, I'll have a problem with how I'll wear my already wet dress but I was wrong. When the wolf returned, it brought clothes with it. When it left, I lifted myself from the pool and neared the clothes.
There were beautiful dresses! Three pieces of them were laid on the ground! I picked up the nearest one and it's a white dress with a large golden ribbon in its back. Then, I picked up the other two dresses and wore my shoes.
The wolf returned and moved its head sideways. I smiled and walked. It was another path that leads to the same tree house where I woke up earlier.
When I entered, the wolf left again. I was about to chase after it when I heard giggling from somewhere.
"Dear, would you like your hair to be braided? Curled? Or ponytailed?" The womanly voice asked.
"U-Uh, where are you?"
"Don't mind us... Come here and sit on the chair. We'll tie your hair up."
"Choose what you want your hair tonbe done."
I turned to look around but I really saw nothing. "Just braid."
"Braid, it is."
When my hair moved, I flinched and turned around but only to gasp because my scalp hurts!
"Why did you turned?"
"This is not the first time you have your hair done, aren't you?"
"I don't think so..."
"Are you okay, dear? Calm down, we'll just dress you up. Nothing more..."
I sighed and pouted. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to speaking with someone I can't see."
The room was filled with womanly laughters. Then, my hair moved again.
"I'm Ciara? Who are you?"
"I'm Flynn!" Said the high-pitched voice.
"Parsha here!" Said a sing-song voice.
"My name is Charlotte." Said the husky voice.
"Call me Stephan, dear."
"If someone says dear, I know it would be you, Stephan."
They laughed again, making me smile. "How old are you all? Is it okay if you tell me about your life?"
"Of course!" Said Parsha. "We're siblings. I'm the youngest, Flynn and Charlotte are twins, and our oldest is Stephan."
"We were the famous Raven sisters here in Haldorre. Our ancestors has been the royalties' tailor and beauticians for generations," added Flynn.
"Dear, we are just an example of the cursed creatures here in Haldorre. Some, like us, managed to become able and freely go somewhere but most of the people became trees, or plants, or animals. Pitiful creatures were trapped in time and space. If you're planning to stay longer here, you need to be cautious of your surroundings," Stephan said.
"Yeah! If you see rats, don't just kick them. They might be children playing," added Charlotte.
I swallowed hard. "E-Even the tiny insects?"
"Yes!" They answered in chorus.
"Then, how about the fishes in the pond? They were glowing and I thought they were alive, too. Are they?"
"Yes, dear. They must be fish vendors."
"But...why? What really happened here? Did you know that for years, Haldorre has become a ghost city?"
"We knew, somehow. But we couldn't blame them all. This city is the most ideal city to live in and then one day, its people just vanished with no valid reason. They have all the right to be afraid," Flynn spoke.
"Anyway, Ciara. We were told not to tell you anything further. We have a boss here in Haldorre and after we dress you up, we'll bring you to her so you can talk to each other. She will definitely explain everything that you wanted to know."
I nodded a bit. "By any chance, is she a Queen or a Princess?"
"No dear, she isn't. Ruling family stayed in Craggerham. Aren't you aware of that? Or maybe, the ruling family moved into another city?"
I bit my lip. "No, they stayed in Craggerham. The truth is... I'm the princess."
There was a long pause before they burst into shock.
"I told you she's a princess! Look at her face and her skin! There's no doubt she had the blood of royalty!" Flynn exclaimed.
"Yeah, I thought so too," agreed Charlotte. "Even her dirty gown looks expensive and made of fine fabric."
"But dear... If you're the princess, what are you doing here in Haldorre? With all the blood and the bruises?"
I suddenly remembered my wounds. I checked my body and I can't believe they're all gone!
"Oh, we treated your wound while you're asleep. You know, when you fell unconscious. So, will you tell us why you're here?" Charlotte asked.
I sighed heavily. "Something terrible happened in the kingdom..."
"Oh, dear... That must be more terrible than what you're seeing here in Haldorre. If not, I don't know if you could manage talking to invisible women."
"Yes, Stephan. It is far more terrible. Worser than you could imagine," I said with bitterness.
"Does it have to do with your right eye?" Asked Parsha, the sing-song voice is now gone.
I nodded weakly. "Everything was just fine. When suddenly, my eye killed hundreds of our people. Children... Families... I killed them all."
Tears fell on my dress and the memory made me sob. "My father told me to hide here because the angry townspeople wouldn't think of finding me here. But even running away doesn't feel right to me. I am very much guilty of what I did to those helpless people..."
"Oh, princess..."
"That's not okay, but it's okay... Everything will be okay."
"Things happen for a reason, Princess Ciara. Don't worry, in no time, you will find out what that reason is..."
I calmed a bit with thei words. I wiped the tears and collected myself.
"Dear, about your eyes... Our boss can explain to you what you wanted to know about it. She knows everything."
"Really?" I asked hopefully.
"Yes!" They once again answered simultaneously. Then, I couldn't wait for them to bring me to their boss.
Soon, they were done braiding my hair. I couldn't see it because there's no mirror but it felt fine. Not finer that Lumin's but I guess they're both fine.
We headed outside the tree house and I turned around to look for the wolf but it isn't around.
"Haldorre isn't a big city but it was the most largest marketing area for both Anasthera and Uretah. When we all vanished, all our things remained. The houses, the foods, everything!" Explained Flynn.
Now that she mentioned foods, I suddenly felt hungry. I haven't eaten since yesterday and all the weirdness made me forget about it.
I was walking in the center of a town market but the sisters behind me doesn't make me feel alone nor afraid despite the creepy sorroundings.
I stopped when three black puppies crossed in front of me. They were staring at me the whole time they're running. As if I'm a really weird thing. But the truth is, they are.
"A-Are those kids? Playing?" I asked, my skin hairs were rising a bit.
They giggled. "Yes, dear. Don't worry, they don't bite."
I sighed as we continued to walk. All establishments are closed. Stalls, houses, shops, and many more.
Haunted and deserted. A real ghost city. Though, I imagined differently at first. I imagined it the way it looks at nighttime but during the day, it looks...a little fine. Humid air blew and light obejcts like paper, leaves, and whatnots were flying in the air.
"How are things in Uretah, Princess Ciara? We've never heard of it for over decades now..."
"It was doing fine. In fact, what happened to me is the only thing that might cause destruction to it after so many years of peace and order."
"Oh, dear. Witchcraft can really destroy cities. It happened centuries ago, too. In Solitia... Anesthera... Now, Uretah... Witches really tend to cause trouble since before..."
"Y-You think, I'm a witch? I thought I was just cursed. But when I discovered that my mother's eye is the same with my right eye, I thought that maybe I've inherited something from here."
"We doesn't really know of witchcraft, Princess. We just know that they can be good or bad, or evil or not. They can destroy everything and that has been the problem for years. But we know of one thing about witches that might relate to you" Charlotte explained. I raised a brow and stopped walking. "Princess, you have the eyes of a Castherra. Though, we don't know why it's only an eye."
"A-And what really is a Castherra?"
"It is known to be the strongest clan of witch that lived for centuries, dear. Both can bring life and death if they want to."
Life and death... Something that happened to me?!
"But one thing makes them weak," Stephan added. My throat dried in fear and anticipation.
"W-What is it?"
But the answer didn't came. Just the big, white wolf that's staring at me intently. The Raven Sisters are gone...