Chapter 29: We shouldn't be here (Joseph's POV)

I looked at both of them, it was going to get a bit cooler tonight, probably in the teens in Celsius. They were putting on their Jackets and talking to each other about who knows what. Mariah was a bit iffy on wanting to go out there, but Julia some how managed to talk both of us into going out there.

Once they put on their shoes I nodded to them and we went ahead and went out of the door. Mariah and Julia were whispering something together and I was trying to catch a little bit of what they were saying but they noticed it and they stopped talking.

I wonder what it could possibly be. It could not be anything about the subject of were my mother had died at, they would have said that out loud, surely right? What were they talking about? It had to be something about me, not my birthday, that was nearly a week ago now. So what could it possibly be?

I shook my head and we walked down the steps of our 2nd story building. I was not going to lie and say it was the best place in the world to live, but we got by with it. Pop and Susan were good owner, I was used to living in not the best part of town.

For some reason my father could have choose another place to buy a very large house but for some reason he bought the one right near where we lived most of our lives. It was a good idea, except I never really talked to many of my friends any more and Mariah was always on the shy side and didn't really talk to anyone.

We could have gone and moved to a safer part of the city, I've been there before and they had some really nice areas, even a park for my father and my mother to go walking. I shook my head not wanting to think about it. But at the same time I couldn't.

If what my father said was true then maybe if we lived over there then a dragon could not have possibly gotten into that park. They went and hiked around another place that was in the outskirts of the city and I did not want to really go there.

It was a very bad idea, Julia had some how talked us into it though. I shivered only thinking of the worst possible things. My father had said for some reason the dragon's were looking for me. I couldn't think of why that would be so though.

I would save my life to save my sister Mariah though, she was better than me at just about everything. She was smarter, more loving, and more caring about everyone around her. She was just a perfect person, she was so innocent. I could only imagine her seeing her brother die to a dragon to save her life.

I shook it off and then I looked at Pop and Susan's place. They were still open, although it was starting to get a bit late, I could see the sun beginning to set in the horizon. This was probably not the best idea, I was so afraid and just so scared to think about all the bad things that could happen.

I heard the stories and read the books, dragon's could see us from miles away and could see in the dark. I was so afraid, but after all weren't those just stories? I looked back at Pop's and Susan's place one last time.

I thought to myself maybe I should talk to them about it. I knew that Julia would not let me do that, she knew just as good as I did that they would easily talk us out of it. I really did not want to go, but at the same time I really did want to.

I needed to see the scene, I needed to see if what my father had told me could possibly be true. Padre telling me it was, that was one thing, but I did not know if I could trust his story telling all of the way. Maybe my father was a part of this gang thing.

I closed my eyes for a few moments and then reopened them. I needed to clear my head, I knew my father was not a part of a gang. But all I could think about right now was nothing but the worst possible things happening to me, and the last of my family.

I looked around the area, we were in the streets, it was fairly busy still, most people had got off work not too long ago, now they were going to go shopping for their family. I felt a brief sense of pain when I thought of the word family but I shook it out of my head.

Mariah looked at me and could tell that I was not right in my head right now but she did not say anything. She was used to it at this point, she also was probably thinking the exact same thing as me right now. We had mindsets that were sort of similar.

We kept on walking, we could have gotten a bit of a larger cab, I wanted to get on with this as fast as possible, but Mariah and Julia kept on walking anyways. I remember going to the park and seeing Julia there a few times so it would make sense as to why she knew the way there. It was also the closest park to where we lived.

"That is where I used to live." Julia said to us. I looked at where she was pointing. It was a bit of a run down apartment complex the only thing that it had above Susan and Pop's was that most of the places were a bit bigger than theirs.

I could have bought a bigger place than the one that Pop and Susan had given me, the had 2 bedroom places as well, but I did not have enough money to buy I knew one right now. I then realized though, that I did... I had plenty of money I could buy whatever I wanted.

I shook my head, that was not the mindset to have right now. If Jim found out that I got all the money he would do his best to try and get me to just retire. But I did enjoy working there, and I did not want to be like my father and just sit at home my whole life.

I was happy with what I had right now. Maybe a bit further down the line, maybe I would go and get another place, I thought about keeping the place that we used to live at, it was right beside Jim's bar. I shook my head thinking about it though.

All I could think about was nothing but bad memories there. I also did enjoy the company that I got from living at Pop and Susan's place. They were good owner's and they deserved the business.

I looked around trying to remember what we were doing. All of the sudden I was not in the same place. It was just like it had been earlier today, except I was not in the same area. I looked around where I was at. I was in the sky for some reason, very high up. I did not dare to walk for the fear of one step would make me fall.

I was moving though, I looked around wondering where I was at. I looked down and could see a very big city below me. I knew instantly what city it was, it was my own. I noticed it because my uncle had once showed me a weird looking map of it.

He showed me a lot of stuff now that I was beginning to remember him more and more. I thought about what Padre had told me, I was beginning to think more and more that it might actually be true.

Suddenly I heard someone talking, I looked around me and I spotted 2 dragons. They were moving but I was moving with them, they did not see me like that one dragon had earlier. I looked at them, I noticed one was the black dragon I had seen earlier but the other one was another black dragon.

The purple dragon that had noticed me was nowhere to be seen anywhere around me. I looked at them and managed to sneak into their conversation. One of the dragon's looked right where I was at, but it was not like the purple dragon, it had failed to notice me.

"What are we going to tell Plyma? Does that mean that what that woman told us was a lie?" The dragon that I had not seen before said to the other dragon. I could tell that the dragon was not a smart dragon, I wanted to laugh but I was afraid that they would hear it.

The other dragon with the not very smart dragon rolled his eyes and they kept on flying in silence for a few moments.

"We are going to tell him exactly what you just said, she lied. Then we hope that he does not get too mad like last time." He said to the dragon. The other dragon nodded and they kept on flying. This time I was stuck still, I was not following them anymore.

I blinked real quick and I was back in the same place I was before. Julia and Mariah were way ahead of me as I could see them from far away. There were lots of people in the street as well so I began jogging over to them before I lost them.

Julia noticed me jogging over to them when I got up close to them. She looked a me a bit confused as to why I was so far back behind them.

"I didn't even notice you were gone. Were we going to fast or did you go somewhere?" She asked me. I looked at her and I wondered what to tell her for a few moments. I thought about telling the truth but then might think I was crazy. But hell, we might even see a bit more than crazy tonight.

"I thought I saw someone that I knew." I said to her. She looked at me for a few moments and then she nodded. It was a close one, it was not a lie, I did see someone I knew. Or at least something that I had seen before.

I realized we had already been walking a while, it was only like 2 miles out so we were getting closer to it. It was near the prison, I looked at where my father was being locked up and being held captive. I saw Mariah looking at it as well and I could tell she was thinking the same thing as me.

"Alright, they told me, and my father told me she was on the trail and she was burnt. I don't know exactly where. But we can just walk on the trail for a little bit, we can go tomorrow if we don't see it since me and Julia are both off work." I said to the both of them. Tomorrow was a Sunday, and Jim always closed up because it was his relaxation and day he went to church.

They both nodded to me and we walked into the park, normally there was a solid amount of people around this area at this time of the day. But it was basically completely empty, they must have all heard the news about the death yesterday, I had heard the trail was locked up with caution tapes.

As we got closer to the trail I noticed that what I had been thinking was actually true. Julia and Mariah both looked at me for what to do next. I shook my head, my guess was as good as theirs. If you ask me, we should just go back home and never come back here ever again.

"If you guys want to go in... We can... We can get in a lot of trouble too." I said to the both of them. I looked at both Mariah and Julia, they were both weighing in their thoughts. Mariah this time was the first one to speak.

"I need to see if what our father said can be true." She said to me. I looked at Julia and she nodded in agreement. I sighed and then looked at the caution tape, odds are, no one will be out here, and the trail will probably be locked up permanently.

But I was doing my best to get out of the situation in whichever way was possible. Mariah and Julia were clearly thinking the opposite. I could only think about there being dragons just sitting there waiting for me.

I looked at both of them and I walked under the caution tape. Like them I wanted to see if what my father had said could have been possibly true. I was afraid for them, but if they were truly wanting to go out there and look, then there was nothing that I could do to stop them.

And who is too say they don't both go and check it out one day, if I was to say know. I would be at work and I could not be able to stop them. I shivered thinking about a dragon, it could be waiting for us, any moment.

Once they both followed what I did and walked through the conversation. I then sat there for a few moments, both of them waited for me to take the next step. I started walking, my father said they were so close to being done, if only they had just gone maybe a few minutes earlier.

We should be close to it right now. We walked into the trail through the exit point. We began walking and I looked back at both of them to make sure that both of them were okay, and I wanted to make sure that they were ready to see what we were potentially about to see.

Julia nodded, I rolled my eyes where they could not see it and then we kept on walking, I could see it from far away though. It was right there, completely obvious, there was a smaller caution tape around it.

I could see the burn marks that were sitting on the ground though, I could see the remnants of the little bit of flesh that was left from my mother. I heard my sister begin crying and Julia was holding her close. Then Julia began to vomit.

You could see bits of her body all over the ground, it was obvious to me now that what my father had said was true. There was no way the he had burned her and then torn off parts of her body at the same time. All the said was he was crying on her dead body.

I looked at both of them, I felt a sense that we needed to get out of here as soon as possible, now that I knew that it had to be a dragon. We needed to go right away.

"Guys... We need to go... I feel something wrong. We Shouldn't be here."