
Never in her short 18-year life had she ever found someone more annoying than Asher. She had felt irritated by people before, but this was different. It was more than just annoyance; it was like a constant pestering and pushing to get her attention. He kept trying to charm her, flirt with her, and even try to guilt her into spending time with him. She just wanted to be left alone and to focus on her work and studies, but he just kept at it, relentlessly pushing her boundaries.

The worst part was that her twin brother found it funny. She admitted that if it weren't for her in the situation, it would be amusing, but she felt annoyed when her brother laughed at her frustration. He kept telling her to relax and just give in to his advances, but she couldn't stand the idea of him winning her over. She was adamant that she wanted no part in his plans, but no matter how many times she declined, he kept up his efforts.

"If you're so excited about him, why don't you become his fated one?" she grumbled, and her twin brother laughed aloud again, wiping away his tears.

"Nah, I'll just wait for my lovely fated one," he said with a grin.

"Stop laughing at least," she said with an irritated tone, wishing he would take her concerns seriously.

"Give him a chance at least," her twin brother said, his tone gentle.

She looked up at him and shook her head. "You know I can't afford to...." She left the sentence hanging, but the unspoken reason was clear. She couldn't afford to get involved with someone right now. She had her studies, and her work -- things that she had to focus on right now. She just needed him to understand that she couldn't take on the distractions of a relationship, especially not with someone as intense and overbearing as Asher.

"You cannot escape this one, Alex," her twin brother said, looking at Asher who had just spotted them. She knew that her brother was right; she couldn't escape the situation she was in. Asher was persistent, and he wasn't going to just give up on her. But she felt overwhelmed by the whole situation and the constant pressure on her. The last thing she wanted was to have someone like him as her soulmate--someone so overbearing and needy, always pushing at her limits.

"How do you keep finding me?" she asked Asher, annoyed.

He chuckled and replied, "It's not that hard--you're pretty easy to spot, and I know where to look for you."

That was a strange compliment, but he didn't seem to realize his own oddities. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "I'm not interested, okay? Just leave me alone."

Adrian stood up and looked at his sister. "I have class but uh, best of luck with this...." Alexandria just looked at him helplessly before turning back to Asher. "Why can you not get the hint?" she said tired.

Asher shook his head and looked down at her sitting in the library. "Because I refuse to let you ruin both our lives," he said.

She was a bit taken aback by his reply. "I'm sorry?" she said half scoffing.

"Look, all I'm saying is trusting fate for once isn't gonna hurt," he said.

The conversation was heated, and the tension in the air was palpable. "I suggest that you stop acting like you know everything about me and my life," she said, her teeth gritted. She was clearly not happy with the situation.

"I want to know the real reason you don't want this to work out. Don't you think I deserve to know?" he asked, trying to keep his cool.

But she wasn't having any of it. "I'm not interested," she scoffed, launching into a long rant about her lack of time for distractions and the challenges she faced as a woman in a male-dominated industry. She didn't need the added stress of a romantic relationship, especially not with someone as overbearing and demanding as Asher. She tore into him with all of her pent-up emotions, not letting him get a word in edgewise.

But then something unexpected happened. He apologized. And not just any apology, but a sincere one that took her by surprise. She didn't expect someone like him to be so understanding and compassionate, especially after her outburst. But he took it in stride and even apologized for overwhelming her.

She felt a little guilty for blowing up at him like that, but she knew she was right in standing up for herself. She didn't need this in her life, and she couldn't let anyone bring her down or distract her from her goals. 

As he smiled apologetically before walking away, she sat there, processing her feelings. She was surprised by his apology, but she felt a little guilty for being so harsh with him. She knew that she didn't need this in her life, but she also knew that he wasn't all bad. She couldn't deny that he was charming and charismatic, but that was the problem. She had to focus on her dreams, and she didn't have time for his games.

It was a moment of clarity for her. She realized that she was strong and independent, and she didn't need anyone to validate her worth. She was going to forge ahead and make her dreams a reality, with or without him.

Alexandria had a peaceful week after the incident with Asher and was able to concentrate on studying for her upcoming exams. She spent most of her time in the library, poring over her notes and textbooks, trying to absorb as much information as possible. Her brother, who was aware of what had happened, noticed the change in her and asked her how she was doing.

Alexandria shared with her brother the details of what had happened with Asher. Although he didn't approve of her actions, he didn't scold her either. Instead, he listened patiently and supported her no matter what decision she made. His support gave Alexandria the strength she needed to move forward with her studies.

Over the next few days, Alexandria saw Asher in the hallways and corridors from time to time. Although they exchanged the occasional glance, they didn't speak to each other. Alexandria felt a strange connection to him, but she knew that it was just fate playing tricks on her. She didn't want to get too attached to someone who might not be good for her in the long run.

As she stood in her training ground, she felt a gentle tug, a pull that seemed to come from within her. It was a strange sensation, one that she couldn't quite explain. She knew that it wasn't real; it was just her subconscious playing tricks on her, trying to lure her into something that she knew she couldn't have right now. She longed for it, but she couldn't afford to lose focus on her goals and responsibilities. It was a bittersweet experience, one that left her feeling conflicted and unsure of herself.

Despite the nagging feeling inside her, she knew that she had to be strong and keep moving forward. She couldn't let herself fall for the trick that fate was trying to play on her. With each swing of her sword and each kick of her leg, she reminded herself that she had made the right decision. She had to stay true to herself and concentrate on what mattered most: her goals and ambitions.

No matter how much she craved a relationship, no matter how much she longed for that feeling of love, she had to keep telling herself that she had made the right call. She had to be strong, for herself and for those who depended on her. Besides, Asher didn't know what he was getting himself into. She wasn't okay, at least not mentally. Things were going on inside her mind that she couldn't even begin to explain, things that made her doubt herself and her ability to handle a relationship, her ability to lead, and worst of all those things made her doubt the reason for her existence.

The constant back and forth was becoming too much for her. She felt overwhelmed and exhausted. She knew she couldn't allow herself to be pulled in both directions at the same time. It wouldn't be fair to him, nor would it be fair to herself. She had to push away her feelings and focus on her goals. She couldn't let herself get pulled in two directions at once. She was determined not to give in to her feelings or let him distract her from what truly mattered to her right now.

It pained her that fate made her feel this way towards someone she barely knew. But then again, she never really attempted to get to know him. And even now, she was trying to ignore him and push away her feelings. She hadn't talked to him since their last encounter, and she hoped she wouldn't have to engage with him again soon. She saw him as a constant annoyance in her life, and she didn't need that right now.

With one last self-assuring nod, she put all of her focus back on her training. She couldn't allow herself to get distracted again. She had to keep working hard and couldn't let a little attraction get in the way of her goals. So, she focused back on her training, determined to set her feelings aside and get back to work.