Chapter 2

The next morning Atsushi woke up still in his clothes from yesterday he pulled on his black 2inch platform combat boots and went to the main hall. He sat in his chair as the cook fed the dogs. Katshi came to the main hall with the rest of the team. "This is the team I put together." Katshi said quite proudly. Atsushi nodded and stood up. He put his two dogs on a leash and was ready to go. "We will head to the river outpost and take over the job of delivering the information" Atsushi stated "once we have possession of the documents, and we know they are safe we take them to Deavon..... somehow" he continued. One of the women took the two dog's leashes from Atsushi and the team headed for the door. Opening the door to the empty dead outside is like opening a door to a complete different world. The world is completely gone. Remains of destroyed Buildings, smoke engulfed the sky in darkness and the only planet life is dead vegetation and the occasional green cacti. The only place that was nice was inside the city's but you can't get in without identification which Atsushi and everyone else with him did not have not to mention the fact they would just be arrested if not killed on site when entering the walls.

Akira left into the hills so she could snipe people from far away. When the team finally made it to the river outpost everyone was dead. And the case with the files was gone. "UAhggh" Atsushi yelled. "Haha you are to slow little boy" a girl in a red dress said as she held the case up. Atsushi jumped at her but was held back by Katshi. "You can't harm her just yet, she is to important practically untouchable" Katshi whispered to Atsushi. "Can we have the case please it's very important" Ena said. "Ha no" she responded. "You know Deavon, you have meet him, I can tell by the look in your eyes" he said "I'm not loyal to him I'm loyal to the scarlet kings" the women said with pure terror in her eyes. "Your scared of him I see. You know I would be a shame if you were doing something that would make him and his agents angry." He said to the woman "look I'm sorry please don't tell him I took the case I was only doing what I was told if he knows I was in the way he will kill me" she said putting the case on the ground and her hands in the air. Just then she fell to the ground. "Crap" Katshi said letting go of Atsushi and running up to her body. "Akira killed her. She could have been of use to us. Well at least she can't tell district 8 what path we are on" he said. Atsushi opened the case with the key he had to make sure the files were still in it, nothing had been touched. "We have the files. We can stay here tonight in the morning we continue. Just remember we will be hunted down by anyone who wants this information." He Said. "What's in the documents anyway?" Asuka asked. Atsushi sharply turned his head to glare at her "classified" he answered. "Come on Shi we are your team we should know" Katshi said with a smile. Atsush had an angry look on his face as he slowly walked over to Katshi. He stood in front of Katshi looking up at the tall boy. "That's not my name." He said. "And the information is classified." He added. He was so tense. He glared at Katshi and Katshi just stood there smiling at him. The rest of the team started a fire as the sun set. "Your funny when you are angry" Katshi said. Atsushi slaped him across the face "your annoying when you smile" he said walking away. He went into one of the small tents away from the rest of the team. He heard a small crack from outside the tent he pulled out his gun from it's holster as the footsteps got closer. His back was turned to the entrance of the tent but he knew someone was about to enter. "Come eat" Katshi said. Atsushi relaxed his muscles and put the gun away. "You gonna shoot me?" Katshi asked with a laugh. "I could" Atsushi answered, as he turned to face Katshi. "We made soup" Katshi said looking down at him "out of what?" Atsushi asked. "Rabbit" Katshi answered. "I'm not hungry" Atsushi said looking up at Katshi. "To bad" Katshi said handing Atsushi a bowl of soup. Atsushi roles his eyes and ate the food. When he was done he left the tent and sat out side with the team. After a while they decided that Katshi will keep a look out while the rest sleep. The rest of the team went into their tents and Atsushi stood up and went over to Katshi who was sitting on a rock, Atsushi pushed Katshi's hair off his forehead and flicked his forehead before going into his own tent. Katshi heard foot steps in the silence of the knight and pulled out his gun. everyone else was asleep. Katshi could see the shadows of 3 men behind him in the light from the fire. "Katshi-" he herd a voice say it sounded scared and wistful. He knew that voice anywhere. He turned to see two men one with a gun to Atsushi's head.