A Jerk and A Dad!

"Dr. Laura," The chief of the emergency division rushed to her, and when she shook her shoulder, Laura came back from her daze.

She nodded to him, before rushing inside the restricted bed zone with Chief Jade.

"Move them to a central restricted zone, bring the emergency surgery kit, and get done with the papers." Chief Jade ordered her team, as Laura looked at the two patients' reports carefully.

The staff nodded and quickly laid the two patients side by side in the private zone as clear vinyl curtains were zipped to maintain a hygiene environment.

Cleansing her hands again with the sanitizer, Laura wore her gloves, and at the same moment, ping entered inside rushing to her.

"Dr. Kim is busy in surgery and chiefs are in a global conference. I have called two more on-call emergency attendees!"

"Good! Pong, go and get ready with ORs, call Dr. Derrick from Cardiology to immediately rush into OR."

"The CR(cardiac arrest, cop) patient is having a PEA arrest(Pulseless Electrical activity), and surely in hypovolemic shock, his ABGA(Arterial Blood Gas Analysis) may clearly show metabolic acidosis. What will you do now?" Laura calmly asked as if taking a class and that fueled the cops' frustration. Their friend was dying but the doctor wasn't doing anything, and that made them fume.

"Epinephrine in the central line, Bicarbonate in a different line" Ping answered quickly.

"And continuous CPR." Liam who had just rushed with some test result papers added, and at her nod, they started to work on the same.

"I will take look at the Rib patient." And that fueled their anger! Her all attention should have been on their brother rather than on the criminal, the one they wished to see dead.

"His breath is fading at every second," A ER doctor said as Laura reached tthe other bed, and slowly hit on his abdomen checking his lungs condition.

"Shallow breathing, profuse sweating, clear cyanosis(bluish skin indicating lack of oxygen), paleness, state of agitation. Anyone take a guess,"

"Hemopneumothorax(Collapsed Lung with air and blood filling in the chest)," All the three residents answered in unison making her nod with a smile.

"Prepare a puncture needle and other things for Thoracentesis. I will do it right now!" Laura ordered and the nurse immediately rushed to bring the things.

"You should treat our Mike first." A cop tried to barge in but Azel held him back.

"Lau, Dr. Laura, his pulse," Liam withered continuing the CPR as Mike's EG slowly slanted into a thin line.

"Shit!" Cursing under her breath, Laura moved towards his bed.

Looking at his vitals and also the recurring cut on his chest, Laura scratched her eyebrow and asked, "Really no one free from the cardiology?"

And when ping shook her head, Laura took a deep breath and fastened her pace.

"Quick! Get me a blade 10! I will do an open heart massage since there is no cardiac activity!" She declared tightening her gloves, and pressing the patient's chest, she slowly added, "This patient looks like he had a chest injury before, and we cannot take risk,"

Everyone gasped but was quick in their actions since it was no new to see Laura take such hasty decisions in the ER while the residents just were in awe at her crazily fast ability to make tough decisions.

Chief Jade gave her permission with a nod, and rushed to the patient she had been treating earlier. He was in a grave condition just like the cop, and she focused on him leaving the cop and criminal pair to Laura and her residents.

"What?" Azel gasped hearing her words since he was well aware that she was a GS and not from the cardiology department!

"Switch!" Laura ordered Liam as it was almost two minutes of continuous pumping and Liam got down while Yang took his charge to do the CPR on the cop.

"You should wait for a Cardiac Surgeon." Azel barged in as Laura didn't pay any of her attention to his ramble.

And when she didn't reply and just took wore her blue gown, and took the blade, he rushed inside the red zone and held her hand.

"You can not make such absurd decisions just because you are prodigy!"

Everyone gasped at his bold statement and Laura just scoffed trying to free her hand.m Here he was again, acting as if she would care about any of his words.

"And You," Wriggling her hand, Laura replied calmly, "stop being a jerk and move aside before I lose my temper!" She glared as he held her hand again!

And everyone blinked at her choice of words! She sure knew how to be 'truly kind' to anyone!

"If being a jerk can save Mike from becoming your new experiment, I will be glad to receive such honor!"

The ER heated up at their argument and everyone just panicked as their fight might cause the death of some patients since they were running out of time!


While in an empty abandoned house.

"Why the hell did you bring this child?" A man yelled, followed by a hard slap and that made the small boy hug his mother very tightly.

Ayra who felt the little kid sob in her arms, slowly patted his head and embraced him tighter. She wasn't sure who this kid was, but since he had been visiting her cafe every single day, for almost two weeks now, she just hoped for his parents to at least search for him and save him.

Tears rolled down her eyes, guilty that she had dragged this innocent stranger along with her misery.

"The contractor asked us to kidnap the lady and kill the 3-month-old baby inside her!" The boss yelled again, making Ayra's breath hitch and she felt the little kid tightening his grip around her neck.

"And, not a 3-year-old baby with her!" He roared again, as his dumb useless juniors dragged an extra burden with the actual target! He had asked them to kidnap and kill the baby, and these bunch of idiots had thought it was a real baby!

Ayra felt her chest tighten hearing his words. Though they were tied in a room and their eyes were covered up, she could still the future of her baby! The one she had insisted on keeping even when her old husband didn't care a damn about it.

"What should we do now?" One of them asked, and the leader just sighed, "Kill both of them! We cannot leave any clues behind! And not a living clue in the form of that kid!"

Ayra held the little guy in her hand tightly. Her tears continued to roll down, her heart blaming herself for all this mess. Only if she had heard to her husband, only if she had accepted his offer and ran away from this country!

Her thoughts crushed her heart into pieces, her body shivering as she felt her own depressive thoughts take over her. Her tears continued to blame her, and she hugged the little guy in her arms tighter. Though he was a complete stranger, somehow his hug was giving her a weird comfort to cry out loud.

Sensing that she was crying more, the little guy reached out his palm and searched for her face. Touching her cheeks, he gently wiped her tears and sobbed along with her.

"Do-don't worry mama, dada will come soon." The boy mumbled, in between his cries and Ayra just blinked in confusion.

Was he misunderstanding her as his mother? She thought as he felt the guy continue to wipe her tears gently.