Chapter 7: Moving on as if nothing happens

Joseph & I got the chance to talk about Sherwin. It is now clear with him that Sherwin does not have any feelings for him, he is not hopeful that Sherwin will still talk to him again. He said that if ever Sherwin will pursue me, he would be very happy for me. But he asked me that no matter what happens, he doesn't want to loose me as his dear friend and I promised him the same.

Sherwin is still not around and again skip our class today. It worries me a lot. I am trying to convince myself that maybe because he needs to attend to some personal or family matter. On the the other hand, part of me is telling that maybe he is very depress and could not get over with what happen. It made me confused and worried more.

The next day, I am very relieve because finally Sherwin shows up in the class.

He is very chatty with everyone except me. He says hello to Joseph. I am not sure what is he up to by being friendly with every one except to me. Of course I already knew the reason why but his behavior is not very usual because it looks that he is not bothered nor seems to be affected with what happen. Although I have wished that he is not.

After the class, my brother & I decided to walk home together and he notices that I am not talking and very quiet. "What is wrong?" he asks. "Don't you feel anything odd about Sherwin's behavior today?" I said. "What is odd with his behavior?" he asks again. I said, "He looks very cool. Unbothered and unaffected about what happen." My brother said, "Maybe he already gets over with it." And then I said, "If he does, how come he talks with everyone except me." And my brother said, "Yeah you are right, that was really odd."

And then he said, "Maybe because he does not care anymore because he will be leaving with his family in the States for good in the summer after this semester." And then I am like dumbstruck and don't know how to react with what he has just said.