Chapter 11: Missing you already

It's almost 10 in the morning and the mass is about to start. I am seating on the other side of the altar with the rest of the gospel readers. I keep on looking in the front to double check if Sherwin is already around. Although, I am practicing in my mind at my notes for the chapter of the gospel I am assigned to read but I can't concentrate. The reason is definitely because of Sherwin.

The mass begun a few minutes ago and it's my turn to read the gospel reading. When I step in in the platform I saw Sherwin. He smiles when I see him and I smile back at him.

The mass ends and Sherwin is no longer in his sit. I wonder where did he go? Did he finish the mass or not? He could not leave like that because I remember what he said yesterday, "See you tomorrow!" I mean is that it?

When I step out of the church, Sherwin is there and approaches me. He asks me what I am going to do after mass? Pretending that I don't have any plans but said I am going home. And since it's almost noon, he asks me to have lunch with him first. I said yes but I ask him before we go if we can do some candle burning first because I want to offer a short prayer and wish something. While walking to the other side of the church I thanked him for coming over today to see me and attend the mass. He didn't say anything but he gently pats my head.

I took 3 candles and lit one candle at a time while saying a short prayer for each candle. Sherwin is just standing next to me and quietly observing. When I'm done praying for the last candle, Sherwin asked me why I lit 3 candles. I said, "The first candle is for my parents and the rest of my family. The second one is for my friends and I pray that we may all pass our final exams. And the last candle is for someone special. I pray that wherever that person is going, I pray for his safety and to have a great life ahead of him." He smiles and asks me a question right away, "Aren't you're going to be sad?" I pause for a few seconds before I respond. I look straight to his eyes. And then he quickly gives me a follow up question, "Are you going to miss me?"

I said, "YES!"

"I will miss you too!" he said.