Introduction to Book 2

Today is the first day of our new school year. We are now in junior high. I am outside our house sitting in the swing in our front yard. I am ready to leave for school. While waiting for my brother to come out from our room, I was trying to enjoy my time alone in the swing, staring at nowhere while touching and playing the necklace that Sherwin gave me. I keep thinking of his last words to me after that night, after that last date, after that first kiss. I still remember exactly what he told me, "Keep wearing the necklace as long as you can, and when you meet someone you like and fall in love again, I would understand if you will remove it from your neck. I will also do the same but I promise I will never forget you and I will hide and keep it forever!"

All of a sudden, someone poke my head and said, "stop daydreaming, we need to go to school now!"