Insult to 'Lucas'!

Maya looked up as she saw both of them rushing towards her.

She kind of had an understanding of the situation they were in, but still she wanted to hear what both of them, especially Lucas, had to say.

"Maya my dear I swear I wasn't cheating it's her! She came up to my room!" Lucas said in a very loud voice, loud enough to make everyone sitting in the room look at them.

"Sis!! I think you know it better than anyone else. It is really not what you saw!" Sofia defended herself as well.

She looked at the guy standing besides her. Just now what did he say!?

It was as if the Lucas in the elevator had changed into a completely different person. Gone was the man with a crazily attractive smirk, now he was just a guy with cute puppy eyes.

"Sofia-" Maya said with cold eyes "Head back to home now, we'll talk at dinner."

Then she looked at Lucas, "And you, let's talk things out."

Sofia knew that, now that her elder sister had made a decision, she will have to abide by it.

She left reluctantly… only to come back within five seconds. Guess what she did?!

She angrily kicked the chair Lucas was sitting on, making him fall off the chair and shouted at him!

"You blockhead! You freaking cheater! You better pray that I don't see you again! Because if I do, if I really do!!! It would be your last day on this earth!" Sofia was on fire with her insults.

"You are an insult to all the people named 'Lucas' your name should be 'Mucus', that disgusting thing really suits you!"

"..." Maya felt speechless after listening to her sister. Where did she learn to spout these nonsense words from!? 

After venting out her anger Sofia looked at Maya and said, "Sis! Let's talk at the dinner. I will tell the chef to make your favorites."

Not waiting for Maya to respond, she left.

"Ughh! what is wrong with this girl! First she pushed me off the bed and now the chair! I really want to punish her!"



Suddenly an entire glass of water was splashed at him.

"Don't you dare" Maya angrily said.

If looks could kill, she would have already killed him a hundred times, "If you dare to do anything to her, I will make sure to skin you out alive."


Lucas was shocked after seeing this sudden change in Maya. Ever since they had met each other, she had never talked to him like this.

Maya had a cold personality, but only to outsiders. Her talking to him like this…?

It meant that she had purely considered him as someone who was not related to her in any way. 

"Now that we have completed the procedure, we can talk." Maya said.

Lucas did not understand what she was talking about. Everything along with the water Maya has splashed over him was getting more and more irritating for him.

With a frown he asked her, "What procedure are you talking about?"

To which Maya coolly answered, "The procedure of pouring water on the cheater."
