LOOK! I'm flying!!~

All of a sudden Maya heard him say "Let's go out!" She was shocked.

"Is he asking me out? Omg! what should I reply him with? Should I say that I can't get into a new relationship only hours after getting out of one?!"

Looking at her face with her eyes getting bigger with every second passing he could predict that she was overthinking the situation. Well she was not overthinking much because he indeed had intended to ask her out! But he felt as if today was not the day. He didn't want their first day to have any horrible memory in it. He looked at her with pitiful eyes and said, "Woman...I'm asking you to go out of the car... we have reached our destination." Saying that he moved his hands towards her, she felt as if her heart stopped beating.

Instinctively she used both of her hands so as to cover her body and tightened the coat around her. She looked at him with judging eyes and said, "I thought we had a tactful understanding that everything that was said at the restaurant was just for show. I didn't think that you would this kind of man."

"Huh?" there was pure confusion in his innocent eyes, after that he put on a smirk and said pointing to his coat, "I only want my wallet... you can have my coat if you love it that much!"

After taking his wallet and paying the cab driver, is he smoothly said, "After all it's not a good habit to let a lady pay for her ride, isn't it"

Maya felt so embarrassed that her entire face had become red.(😂)

When they entered the bar, the atmosphere was something that she did not expect, the expected disco, the noise... nothing was there. It was a calm place with just few people drinking and talking amongst themselves. She felt pleasantly surprised. "It is a good place indeed!" she thought to herself.

After that she had let herself go free. She drank so much! God knows was it because she was enjoying it or was it because of her heartbreak. The reason seemed to be the latter one.

Maya had another half half filled glass of wine in her hand, her red rimmed eyes indicated the hatred and anger she felt today.

She started talking... whether she was talking with the 'man' or whether she was talking to herself was something that only she herself knew.

"You know although we had been dating for four years, I have known him for around six years!! Now I am only 23 BUT! I would be turning 24 soon!!!! I wasted my youth on him THAT BAST- blegh! I think I am going to throw up! shoot! where's the-" before she could continue she felt as if she was lifted up in the air. "Oh my gosh!! people look!! I am flying~" She continued on with her drunken banter and soon both of them reached the restroom...

*Huuk! gak! blarg!* *cough cough*

Maya held onto the toilet as she vomited her guts out, but that did not stop her drunken conversations. She continued, "Gawd!! How can I waste my youth on such a piece of-cough! cough!... I knew something was wrong, in the past few months, he has been avoiding my calls." *huuk*

"He has been giving me excuses of of having important shoots to direct. To hell with those excuses!! I am the one who brings the most

important clients! How could I not know who is having a shoot?... How could I waste my youth?!?!"

*thap thap thap*

The man could only provide his patting on her back and emotional support to her as he thought, "You say, you wasted your youth on him again and again. Tell me, are you an aunty now!!?"

Thank God he did not say his thoughts out loud... or else Maya might have just ripped apart his hair from his head!!!

"Okay I am done now...let's head outside now" Maya said weakly.