Mr. Body_Heater.

*Flashback Ended*


Suddenly Maya got up from her dream. She was panting. The entire room was dark. She stumbled across the room towards her call phone.

"Oh shoot!" Maya exclaimed as she was blinded by the brightness of her fully charged phone. "It is 3:15 early morning!! What the hell. How could I sleep like that?" Hangover was hitting her hard, "My head is going to explode!!!" She put her phone back and the room was restored to its original darkness. Her eyes had still not adjusted to the darkness; she could still see white-black spots in front of her eyes.

"Gosh is the heater not working? How can it be so cold?", Maya said while rubbing her shoulders. She kept on walking with small steps until she felt the bed. Slowly she crept onto her bed and got inside the blanket. "Hmm... at least this is warm, or else I might have just frozen to death tonight".

At the same time the man who was on the same bed as her had regretting thoughts. He thought to himself, "Woman, I made you sleep on your own bed when you were sleeping on the sofa, I tried so hard not to do this... and yet you are here!"

Without caring for the world, Maya slowly and steadily crept towards Aiden's side. For her he was akin to a heater.

Aiden had almost stopped breathing...looking at Miss koala he said in low husky voice, "Well we are not strangers to be very honest. Hey, Maya do you know who I am?" he patted on her cheeks and asked again, "Do you know who-"

Before he could continue, Maya said in a lazy voice, "Of course I know you! You are my body heater" she giggled.

"Then may I....may I hug you?" Aiden was so shy, it was as if he was confessing to someone.

There was no need for Maya as she had already hugged him to sleep.


Aiden got up early in the morning. It was one of the best sleeps he had ever had. Looking at the beautiful lady who was still sleeping in his arms, he felt blissful. It felt as if they were already in a relationship. Reluctantly, he got up to do his daily morning stuff.

Then he ordered breakfast for two and looked at her she was still sleeping like a log!!

Before leaving he thought of writing a note for her. "Let's see what should I write?.....Okay, so here goes nothing. "Good morning Sleeping Beauty! Your clothes are kept in the cabinet, I've ordered some breakfast for you, there's a hangover drink provided as well. And I've asked the Hotel; they will provide you with a driver to drive you back!- Mr.Body Heater"

Suddenly Aiden felt glad that he had decreased the heating level yesterday night...because of it, he could have a wonderful sleep!

Maya; who also had a wonderful warm sleep, soon woke up. She talked to herself, "I guess this was my side of the bed...yesterday I thought that he was going to sleep on this, anyways where's my phone?"

As she got her phone, she found two cards besides it, one was the good morning card and other had a number written on it. Both of the cards had 'Mr.Body Heater' written on them.

"Body Heater? I guess it's not wrong.... yesterday he had warmed up my heart a lot through his actions, he can be considered as that." Maya shrugged.

As Maya was preparing to have a bath she realized that something was amiss... these were not the clothes she had worn yesterday!!

"Did Mr.Body- no Aiden change my clothes yesterday??! No that was not possible, he looked like a gentleman. How can he-" *buzz-buzz* Her vibrating phone interrupted her thoughts, she did not check the name of the callar and picked up her phone habitually.

"Come back to home this instant!"

came the booming voice of her Mother.