Call from Sister-In-law!

"It must have been irritating, right?" as Sofia was reluctant on hearing the answer, she continued, "You had to handle the burden of everything, including a cranky little sister as well, we should have suffered together, why did you have to do all that alone?"

"What are you talking about?! Even though we are fraternal twins, it does not change the fact that I am the elder one. Younger ones are born to be doted on." Maya said as they reached the drinkery. It was the same one Maya had come to with Aiden yesterday.

"It's a classy and calm place.... really different from the ones I usually go to!" Sofia exclaimed.

Both of them decided to have some light drinks and snacks as they talked about various things. Both of then had tons of different topics to talk about...

"-and you know when the school counselor told father that according to my development, I should skip a few grades and that he should start making me into a genius, I started crying because then I could not be able to attend the school with you! Now I think of, who was that man!? How could he simply just decide that I wanted to be a genius!? huh! Anyways, I only stopped crying when Uncle Ren told me that if I go to further classes, I will be able to help you study well. I guess Uncle Ren is not wrong in teasing me, I take care of you as if I am your mother! ...hahaha!"

"I know right! remember? All of my friends used to call you my 'cheat sheet' in school?! You had amazing notes!!"


Soon the topic of birthdays was brought on

"It means that I was already 18 when I had my first legal drink. Oh come on! One entire year late!! Seriously... Wait, why do we celebrate our birthdays on different days then??"

To that Maya answered, " Well technically, we don't know our exact birthday yet, because Mother never told us. But remember that Old Butler? He was the one who told me about it. Now I think of it, it must be the day mother had brought us to father's house... As for my birthday, it was decided by father when he did the school's paperwork"

Sofia's doubts were endless, "But how do you remember things from when we were three years old?? Let me guess, Uncle Ren, right?" Well she was not wrong, it was indeed Uncle Ren who used to tell Maya these stories.


Soon Sofia started to get a bit tipsy, so they decided to leave.

"Should I send the driver to pick you guys up? It's not safe for you young ladies" the man on the other side sounded a bit anxious.

"It is okay Uncle Ren, no need. Tell father not to worry. I know a good hotel nearby, both of us can stay there for tonight." Maya comforted him.

"Okay stay safe... I will call you tomorrow."


"Why don't I remember which hotel was it? Which hotel did we go to yesterday, was it close from here? Ugh! Silly me! I was drunk that time!" Maya was talking to herself.

"Are you talking about the hotel that you went to with brother-in-law?! Ha! Just call him and ask him to pick us up it would be much better!" Sophia's's tipsy mind started to run very fast.

"No you stay here OK? I will go and get a cab, maybe we can check-in into some good hotel nearby. Stay here and don't not move okay? If anyone approaches you, kick him and shout as loud as possible, yeah?" Then Maya went to find a taxi.

As soon as Maya left, Sofia took out her phone and dialed Aiden's phone number. He had given to her today and told her that she could contact him if needed.

"Hello?" Aiden picked up his phone.

"Hello! Brother-in-law... is it you?" although Sofia wasn't so drunk, he could make out that they had drinks.

" Brother-in-law can you please come to pick us up? We are at the bar where you had by brought Maya yesterday. Come here soon before she gets a taxi." Sofia said, she could see Maya had stopped a taxi and it's driver had also agreed upon the destination Maya had asked.

"Come soon!" Sofia put her phone back to her pocket before Maya could see.

Just before Maya made Sophia sit in the car, Sofia started to retch. Therefore, the the driver said that he did not want to risk getting his car dirty, and drove away....

"Sister! Get me bottle of water please!!"

"Okay Sofia, remember what I had said, right? stay here and-"

"Yes Mom!!! Now go and get it!"


Meanwhile after getting Sofia's's call, Aiden rushed out of the dinner meeting he was attending. It was a rare opportunity after all!

"Hey! Wait!" Both, his elder brother and his best friend stopped him. "Where are you going? At least say goodbye to the guests before leaving!"

"Sorry Big brother! Can't do!" Aiden said as he rushed out. "I got an urgent call from my 'Sister-in-law' can't delay!"