She was not here for him.

As soon as Maya went inside the washroom, she took out her phone and then quickly texted Aiden informing him that she was very sorry that she couldn't attend the gathering as she had something important cropped up. Then she also texted Sofia letting her know about her plans.

After a couple of minutes, Maya came out.

As if it was already not awkward enough for her to agree having dinner with the Martin family, she felt even more awkward when she saw that she had to sit besides her ex- boyfriend, that too with his parents and have dinner with them.

"...." She wondered what was the need for Lucas to interrupt in between just when she was going to spill the beans.

"Was it on purpose!?!" She gave Lucas a dirty look and sat down besides him.

She really didn't want to sit on the chair next to him, but the dining table here was only for four people, two of the chairs were already occupied by his parents, so she had no other option left.

"Do you remember that last time you visited us, I had asked you for your favorite dishes? So this time I asked the cook to prepare everything that suits your taste! Do you like it?" Mrs. Martin was the only person who was doing the talking, while the rest were just eating.

When Maya heard this, she looked at her with greatful eyes and said, "Thank you."

Maya had a sad smile on her face as she thought that her biological mother did not know anything about her preferences. Samartha had never even bothered to find out about it as well.

"Can you pass the salad to me?" Suddenly Mr. Martin asked his wife.

Since it was in the reach of Maya as well, she spontaneously stood up and gave him the second serving herself. "Here."

Lucas, who seemed to be ready for this moment, had kept his phone ready under the table with the camera on. He quietly took a picture of this scene and when Maya was not paying attention to him, he uploaded this photo on the moments of his different social networking sites. He put a string of hearts on it with some cringey cheesy lines as if indicating that everything was going well between the couple.


Finally the dinner was over, both Mr. and Mrs. Martin started to talk about things; how they planned to have an engagement for Lucas and Maya soon, and by next year they could get married after some preparations.

Maya thought that it was finally time to leave now. She really did not want to stay here anymore.

She quickly got up and looked at both of his parents, "I really can not delay this any more now! Uncle- Aunty... I really regarded both of you as my own family members, but I am sorry to say... but your son had cheated me. As you can guess it already, both of us have broken up. This time, my sole purpose for coming here to visit you guys was only to inform about this to you. I felt really awkward having dinner with this man on the same table as me, but when I thought that this might be my last dinner with you, I agreed!"

"What about my father? Huh?" Lucas shamelessly asked Maya. He thought that since they had already talked about it earlier, there was no need for him to not bring up that topic now.

"If you are asking about the treatment money, I decided that I could transfer some good amount of it into uncle's bank account, it should be sufficient for several months. I am doing this only because my respect for your parents Lucas, do not think you can get anything more out of it!" For Maya it was really unbelievable, she had never in her life thought that one day she would be in such a position.

Ever since Maya had broken up with Lucas, she had not let out her thoughts when she was sober. The only time it had happened, she was heavily drunk and did not remember anything. This time when she finally had a chance to say something, she just let herself go and said all of it that was in her mind.

Looking at the shocked expressions of the Martin couple, Maya could not say anything else, she just took her purse and walked towards the door. She was about to leave when-


Lucas's father collapsed.

"!!!" All of them were very shocked at this. Maya also rushed in to support Mr. Martin.

"Oh my god!" Mrs. Martin shouted, "Someone please call the ambulance!!"

Lucas also acted fast and did as he was told. He gave Maya a disdainful gaze, that she felt a bit guilty.... "Was I a bit too harsh right now?" She thought.

Soon ambulance had arrived, Lucas and his mother got into it as it drove away. Maya did not know what to do right now, should she also go there? It was partially her fault anyways.

She didn't want to do this so harshly but when she heard them making plans for her wedding, she just couldn't control herself!

After pondering for sometime, she decided to visit him in the hospital and got into the car.

"Is something wrong ma'am?" The driver asked. He had just seen an ambulance drive by and now even Maya wanted to go to the hospital.

"Yeah, please drive..." Maya did not want to explain herself.


Aiden who just got out of his father's ward, read the message sent by Maya. He just replied her back with a simple 'OK' and called Liam to tell him that both Maya and him were not available tonight.

This was the VIP area of the hospital, so it was very quiet here. He looked up with disdain when he suddenly thought that he heard the voice of that no- good man Lucas.

"Tsk! What were the odds that I could have run into that man here... It seems that there is someone from his family who is admitted here."

Few minutes later, he saw the lady he had been wanting to meet since this morning, Maya. "How did she know that I am here!? She looks a bit worried."

He was about to call her out when he saw that she was not here to meet him but to meet Lucas. He felt as if his heart stopped for a moment. "Is it someone different, is it not her?"

Aiden quickly took out his phone and texted her, "Sorry to bother you again, but can you tell me where you are right now?"