You need to update your calendar!

Before Maya and Aiden could make some sense of what they were hearing, Lucas said, "I feel that something is wrong, it has been more than fifteen minutes since Maya had gone to fill water. Why has she not returned yet? Should I go and check out?"

"No, you stay here, I will go out and check. Even I was wondering the same, where is that girl? Has she decided to disrespect us now that you have no relationship with her?" Mrs. Martin said as she got up to come out.

Both Maya and Aiden panicked at this, Maya left the door handle as both of them rushed to move away from the door.

Maya quickly sat on the seats provided outside the ward whereas Aiden headed inside his father's ward. He wanted to take her inside as well, but Maya motioned him and declined his offer as she told him to hurry inside.


The door opened, Mrs. Martin was too busy in scolding Maya inside her head to notice that the door was slightly open.

She was about to say her thoughts out loud when suddenly she noticed that someone was sitting outside the ward.

"Oh!" She shouted in shock, "Maya! err- Maya dear, what are you doing here?" She quickly changed her tone into a soft one and continued, "Have you brought the hot water? Where is it?"

Mrs.Martin looked at Maya who was just sitting there listlessly without answering her.

She looked around and was unable to find a thermos bottle anywhere and said to her, "Was the water not available!?" She bent a little and caught hold of Maya's elbow, "Get up Maya, we should file a complain! How could a hospital not provide us with water!? We should ask them for a good amount of compensation and if they do not give it to us, we should threaten them by telling them that we will report this to media! They would surely be scared of any bad news about them!"

Maya shook her hand away from Mrs. Martin's clutches and looked up at her, she could practically see dollar signs in her eyes. "Was money the only thing this family wanted from me?" Maya sadly thought.

Mrs. Martin was shocked when she saw that Maya shook her hand away. "!!!" She looked at her with shock as she thought, "Is this girl really showing disrespect towards me?!"

Maya understood this and quickly cleared it up, "No aunty! There is no need to ask the hospital to compensate... actually it's me. I was a bit absent minded, I think I left the bottle downstairs." Saying that Maya got up, "I will bring it back." She wanted to avoid this women at the moment as much as possible.

"Wait!" Suddenly she grasped Maya's hand again.

Maya saw that Aiden was about to come out.

She closed her eyes, "Do not blow up!" She kept on repeating in her mind as she took Mrs. Martin's hand and forcefully yet politely got out of her grip. "Yes aunty?"

After seeing that Maya was very vulnerable right now, Mrs. Martin audaciously thought that maybe she can use this weakness right now and try to convince Maya.

"We can get the water later on, but right now-" Mrs. Martin sat on the seat Maya was seated at previously, "now- I want to have a talk with you, come sit here." She patted on the seat beside her.

Maya reluctantly sat there, and looked at her with doubtful eyes, "What is she planning now...?" She thought.

"Yeah, so I understand that you might be very heartbroken right now, but let me make you understand one thing, that all these things are common, you have been with Lucas since so many years, I do not think that it will be nice to end things now."

"So aunty, you are telling me that it is okay for your son to cheat on me!? What!- how can you-" Maya asked her with shocked expression.

"Maya don't misunderstand me, you will be twenty four years old this year, and you have been in a relationship with my son for almost five years! I think that-"

"Are you trying to tell me that I would not be able to get in another relationship,and that too just because I have already been in one since many years! I am sorry but Mrs. Martin!! I really think you need to update your calendar, in which year do you think we are living in!?" Maya almost shouted as she stood up.


Aiden was standing inside, he had the thermos bottle, which Mrs. Martin was searching for before, with him. He had got it previously when it was about to fall from Maya's hand.

Ever since he had entered the ward room, he was almost sticking to the door while trying to make out what was going on outside. At first it was fine and it looked as if they were having some normal conversation. He wanted to go out, but stopped himself when he saw Maya eyeing him not to.

Now all of a sudden, it seemed as if something serious happened, Maya had stood up angrily and was saying something to other lady sitting there.

He was about to open the ward door and go out when he heard a weak voice calling him out. "Aiden?" His father was calling him out.

After making sure that the other lady was not getting in a physical fight with Maya, Aiden reluctantly left the door and went towards his father.

"You have woken up dad. How are you feeling?" Aiden asked with concern, "Do I need to call the doctor?"

"No need Aiden... tell me what were you doing right now?" Mr. Smith first looked at the thermos bottle in his hand and then towards the door. It seemed that he had been up for some while now.

"Umm... dad do you want some hot water?" Aiden said as he wanted to change the topic.

"....." Mr. Smith just kept on staring at him. He did not want to move on from this topic and was stuck on knowing what his son was doing at the door.

"How can you be so childish at your age!" Aiden said jokingly, "Well dad, she is the girl I like, and I want you to know, no matter how much you, or anyone else opposes this, I will not listen." As he reached this part of the sentence, Aiden grew serious.

Mr. Smith smiled at this, "Glad to know, if you got swayed by no matter what reason might be and left her alone, let me tell you, you won't be considered as man of the Smith family! hahaha!"