Honour of meeting a White Lotus!

As Maya looked at the man who just rushed past her, some thoughts struck her.

"He is Ethan Smith, right...?"  Maya took out her phone as she dialed her assistant, Ashley's phone number.

Currently, while Maya was in the Capital, Ashley was the one who was the handling everything at the headquarters in Zed city.

As soon as Ashely picked up her phone, she started scolding Maya, "Maya don't disturb me right now, I am working on a proposal. Is it something important?"

"...." Shouldn't that line belong to the head of the company and not her assistant?

Anyways, Maya knew that at the moment Ashely had a lot of work to do, so she tried to make it short, "Just now, I met with the Chairman of SG Corps and saw the CEO-"

"Wait! You saw the CEO of SG Corporation? And THE Chairman!? Oh my god! You lucky human being!"

Maya held the phone away from her ears, Ashely was very loud. "Yeah, so I wanted to ask you, weren't we trying to have an appointment with them since, like so long?" 


"Ugh! Stop it!" Suddenly a shrill voice came from somewhere, "Didn't you feel embarrassed when we were just caught by him? And for god's sake! This is the VIP wards' floor. Don't be rash Lucas!"

This female was responded with, "Don't you feel bad? It is so rare that I come to the Capital and have a chance to meet you!.... Let me ask you something, are you cheating on me?!" 

"I hate you! How could you say that to me!? It's you who were after that Maya, did you ever think about me then?"

Maya raised her eyebrows, "What the hell..?" She thought as she walked forward and waited after pressing the elevator button. 

"Elise, don't you know whom I like? I've always liked you, and I was with Maya so that I could provide you with a better life! I-I swear I had never touched her in this long relationship!"

"You had tried to force me into it several times but I was the one who refrained!" Maya yelled at him in her head. "Thank god I did so. Huh!" 

Suddenly from the corner of her eye she noticed two people coming out from the side hallway, as expected, they were none other than her ex-boyfriend Lucas, and the nurse from the other day; Elise.

Looking at their disheveled clothes and the words she had just heard, it didn't take Maya long to realize what might have happened between these two.

She remembered their talks and thought, "He is already cheating on her and still has the audacity to accuse her!" Whenever Maya thought about what could have happened between this scoundrel and her precious sister, she had an impulse to lash out at him.

"So he had been freely cheating on me this whole time?" Maya suddenly had an urge to laugh at herself… She really must have been blind to not see through this man.

She wanted to ignore these two, but unfortunately, they walked straight towards her. 

"CEO Maya…!" Elise said guiltily and tried to hide behind Lucas.

"Looking at your guilty face, I can say that at least you have some conscience. You know that you have done something wrong." Maya took a step forward, she looked down and held Elise's chin.

One could say that Elise was about a head shorter than Maya. She looked so timid right now while Maya looked very serious. If an outsider were to see this scene, they might have thought that Maya was here to bully this poor nurse.

Looking at Maya and Elise together at this moment, if a comparison was to be made, without doubt Maya was the winner.

Lucas took Maya's hand and shook it off Elise's face. "Is this necessary?" He gritted.

His grip tightened around her wrist. "Maya… Are you jealous? Well of course, we have had a relationship for about five years, I can not blame you. You want to get back together? Is that why you followed me here? If you want we can…" 

All of a sudden Elise tugged his sleeves, "Lucas, are you going to leave me...? Y-you can't! I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, but I there's something you should know... I am pregnant."

"What!!" Lucas looked at her with shock, he immediately left Maya's hand and held Elise's hands, "What were you planning to do without telling me?"

"Last time I wanted to tell you but then, you brought miss Maya to meet your parents… So I had thought of abo…" Her voice vanished before saying the word 'abortion'.

 Maya scoffed, she had read some Asian romance story scripts which were offerd to her company, they always had this one character; the 'White Lotus', and today she had the honour to meet one! It felt as if she was in a drama.

Hearing her scoff, the other two looked at her with wide eyes, waiting to see if she had to say anything.

"Lucas, you know there is a disorder called the Narcissistic personality disorder. I've read that although there's no cure for NPD, therapy can help. You should definitely check on it."

She then looked at Elise, "And I think you guys should think about getting married, right? It would be a little difficult once the bump appears."

Saying that, Maya entered the elevator. The liftman sitting inside looked as if he was enjoying this interesting show.

He only woke up when he heard the roaring voice of Ashely who had been forgotten on the other side of the phone.

She couldn't help but fume with anger! Even though she wasn't able to listen to everything,  Ashely could very well recognize that this was the voice of  Lucas and some lady. This pair of adulterers!

"Maya! I will make sure to teach him a lesson once I meet him. If I don't then I'm willing to write my name backwards!"

"Yes, my dear… Now let's get back to our topic, shall we? I will try making an appointment again, I think it will be easier this time. So I wanted to tell you to start revising that project. I'll start working on it as soon as I get back." 

Meanwhile in Mr. Smith's ward…

After Maya left, Ella shifted towards Aiden. She was about to hold his hand when the door opened.

 "Father Are you okay?" Ethan came in worriedly. "I got the notification from your alarm but I was in an important meeting."

He saw that Aiden was already here...with Ella.

Ethan knew it better than anyone else that Aiden didn't like Ella, but his wife was just too excited and had contacted her as soon as she got to know that Ella was back in the town. "You are here as well. Hello." 

"Hello brother Ethan! It has been so long, hasn't it? I was just telling Aiden that sister Riely had called me a few days ago." 

Ethan smiled, "Yes, Rie told me about it. She is thankful for the British tea that you bought for her, she loved it." 

Ella beamed with happiness, "Yes, I had specially bought it for her. She looked at Mr. Smith, "And uncle please forgive me, I didn't know what you would have liked so I just bought some regular souvenirs for you. If I had known that a new member was going to be added in the family, I would have definitely brought something for the baby as well!"

Before Tyler or Ethan could reply to her, Aiden interrupted, "Thank you for your trouble, I'm sure it's not necessary." His voice was so cold and detached that Ella almost felt her blood run cold.