Maybe Ella was a better choice...

"Brother…" Aiden said lightly. 

"And this is?" Ethan asked him without any expressions.

But he looked at Maya seriously. 

Last time he had a talk with his father, Tyler had just mentioned that Aiden had a girl whom he liked.

He told him that this girl had a lot of knowledge about business in the industry and looked very capable.

Even after Maya got praised by the business tycoon  himself, Ethan was not satisfied and was still very cautious against Maya.

If she had good strategic capabilities, it meant that he had to be even more alert.

"Uh-" Looking at his brother's expression, Aiden could guess what he was thinking, so he carefully chose his next words and introduced Maya, "This is Maya. She-"

Somehow this name rang a bell, but Ethan asked her anyway, "Oh, Miss Maya, would you please introduce yourself?"