My blissful days are coming soon~

"The other thing that absolutely cannot be changed, is that you had done nothing wrong." Aiden knew that Maya was aware of this fact better than anyone else, yet she kept on ignoring it.

The two people, Manager Davis and Lucas had been removed from their positions in the company for a good damn reason! Why did everyone make it seem like Maya was the one who was at fault? If Maya had allowed him, he would have surely dealt with it, but she just wanted to take all the blame for herself. 

"Is she doing all this because of him…?" This thought made Aiden not want to think anything anymore. 

"Aiden I-" Maya hesitated. She knew that she was being ridiculously stubborn with this serious matter in their hands. She was not telling them anything, and this was visibly making both Ashely and Aiden very concerned.