Rose is alone

Damien Kyle's word cut off as Kelvin Kyle hit him in the mouth.He hold his collar.He was as angry as his every vein in the body is visible now as they bulged with his murderous rage.When he heard the threatening  word that was coming from his step brother's mouth,he felt that something was boiling in his inside.No one had the right of saying these words about his beloved secretary.

"If you weren't my brother,you would be under six foot ground." His eyes already went ready.He was trembling with rage.

Damien Kyle smirked.He released his collar from his grip.He straightened his shirt.

"Wow.What a possessive lover!!My suspicion was right you just badly fell for that woman.I must admit you have a good taste." He curled his thin lips.He exactly knew where to attack him.He was now going on the right way.

Kelvin Kyle rolled his grey eyes that already turned on bloodshot.

"But I am very sorry,bro!This time she will be mine.I can't let you get her." He was trying hard to test his patience.

"Damien,you are crossing your limit.If you make a move on her,I swear I will forget that you are my brother." Kelvin Kyle clenched his fist.

"Oh....Brother..I got scared!!!" He fakely created a scared expression on his devilish handsome face.But just for a two second then he burst out laughter.

"Bro,seriously.You are threatening me!I am the ruler of this mafia world.I f*cking rule this kingdom.I will stay back just hearing your silly threat?" He flipped his hair back with his long sexy fingers.

Kelvin Kyle smirked.His eyes lit up like a beast as if that is locating his prey exactly when he should attack on this.

"I carry a dozen mafia bosses like you,Damien!!Better you watch your mouth before talking shit..." He crossed his legs.He was looking more handsome now with his bossy attitude.His angry murderous aura added another level in his handsomeness.

"Bro,I think you forgot that not everyone is as capable as me!!!I possess the same blood as you." He stared at Kelvin Kyle's eyes.Their eye contact started becoming more intimate as if that is the warning of starting a cold war.

Damien Kyle broke the eye contact.He grabbed his phone.He unlocked it and called a number.Kelvin Kyle's eye widened when he saw the caller id.

Rose!!!Why did he want to do it now? Why is he calling her now?Did he want to do something bad to her...

"Hello!" Rose's voice was clearly heard from the other side of the phone.

"Hey,beautiful!" Damien said in a husky voice.

"Huh....Who is speaking?" Rose said in a confused tone.

"It's me!Massimo Morgan.Last time we met at the auction.You remember me,right?"

"Oh!Hi,Massimo.What's up?How are you?" Rose asked him casually.As she remembered him.

"I was in a bad mood.But hearing your beautiful voice I just got in a great mood now." He started flirting with her.

A smile escaped from Rose's pink fuller lips.Though it's not visible from the other side of the phone,both of them can hear it.

"You are very good at flirting,Massimo."

"Can I ask you for something?" Damien asked her.

"Of course!." Rose replied.

"Can I get the opportunity to go on another date with you?"

"Umm....Actually...I don't know if I can manage.."

"Hey,please don't say no!You can manage I know.May be we can go on next sunday!"

"Ummm....Maybe!"Rose was confused about what to say to him.

" Are you alone in your apartment now?"

"Ummm....Yes.I live alone." She hesitated for a moment.After saying she regretted.She didn't know him so well.It was not wise to give the information to him.

"Then maybe I can come sometime to company you."

Rose was feeling awkward.She really didn't find a suitable word to say to him now.She just smiled awkwardly on the phone.

"You are very good at joking."

"Okay.Then see you in our next date.My Rose." He highlighted the word "My Rose" unnecessarily.Rose hung up the phone.Damien stared at Kelvin Kyle.A smirk was lingering on his thin lips till now.

Kelvin Kyle was furious.May be furious word is less to describe his condition now.He was silently hearing the whole conversation.Now he was feeling instead of Damien he should drag Rose to her dark torture cell and captivated her.Why she had to pick his call?Cant she ignore his calls!!And how dare she call him Massimo by his name.She always addressed him as sir.She didn't even bother to call him by his first name but she is calling Damien by his name!!He was silently cursing her in his mind.

"So Mr.Kyle,how are you feeling now?"

Kelvin Kyle was still silent.He was trying hard to suppress his anger.

"She is alone now,bro!I think in her place it is cold now.May be she is getting cold in the freezing temperature.How about I go there?" Damien Kyle curled his lips.

Kelvin Kyle stared at him.He was feeling like tearing his tongue.May be he would do it,if it was someone else.But Damien is his brother.just a misunderstanding led both of them to this condition.

"I think you should prepare your grave then!" Kelvin Kyle stood up.He left just two steps but again he turned around his head.

"What I said I mean it!Damien...You better remember.I will not allow if someone laid their eyes on what is mine.It's better to stay away.Otherwise I will forget that I have a brother."

He said in a heavy tone and left the place.He was feeling anxious now.He needed to see Rose now...