She is my girlfriend!!!

Lizzy was standing in front of her cupboard.She had to choose a dress for the evening.Because she had a blind date.In her mind she was cursing her dad,James.Why did he need to set a blind date for her without asking her!!!Cant he see she is happy in her single life!!Marriage is not her things...And arranged marriage,even she is unable to think about this..She remembered her conversation with James.

"Lizz...You are twenty four now." James said in a worried tone.

"So what?"

"What's the meaning of so what?"

"You sound like I am not twenty four.I am sixty years old.Do I look like that old?" Lizzy pouted.

"It's not that my child..You don't look old but I am growing old.Without handing over you to a decent guy,I wont get peace after dying."

"Dad...Please dont start again..You are not growing old.You will still live more than fifty years.You are too young to die."