My baby's father!!!

"You should see your face now,Mark.I wish I had a mirror now." Rose said laughing.

"Laugh as you can.When it will be my turn I will laugh also." Mark was gritting his teeth.One side this bloody roller coaster and other side his uncle's creepy gaze!What a condition!!He was praying in his mind so that he could survive all the obstacles that were surrounding him now.

The roller coaster started.In a blink it goes up to tenth floor building of height higher.Mark widened his eyes in horror.He is very scared of height.Moreover he is feeling nauseous now and again this roller coaster.Everything in his tummy is spinning now.Otherside George and Rose was alright.George was enjoying much.He was screaming with joy.

Mark was shivering like a hysteria patient.Suddenly the roller coaster rolled and took another turn.He started screaming and hugged Rose tightly in fear.George was sitting between them.He became sandwich as the pressure of both of their bodies is crushing him.