Is there any medicine for homosexuality???

Rose felt her boss was angry.But couldn't understand why.Its not anything like that her boss should be angry at her.

She took her cellphone and left.

Kelvin Kyle sighed a long breath and took his cellphone.

 He dialed Joseph Konner's number.

After a few times of ringing Joseph Konner picked the call.

"Hello." He said.

"Josie.." Kelvin Kyle said.

"Yes.What's up?" 

"I want to ask you something!"


"Do you have any medicine that can cure homosexuality!!" Kelvin Kyle said without any emotion in his voice.

Joseph Konner almost choked on his breath hearing him!

"What!Medicine for homosexuality.....Did I hear it wrong." 


"Is that for you?I thought you have your pretty secretary now!" Kelvin Kyle trying hard to suppress his laughter.

"No!Not for me.."

"Then for whom?" Joseph Konner felt confused.

"For my secretary!"

Joseph Konner burst out laughing....