Do you have something with uncle?

Damien Kyle finally couldn't hold his laughter.He started laughing.

George seemed to be very pissed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"The way you are sighing long breath as if…"Damien Kyle couldn't complete his words due to laughter.He felt his stomach aching from laughing.

" as if what?"

"Are you jealous of my elder brother?" Damien Kyle asked.

"No.Why should be I jealous!" George frowned.

"But as I can see you are definitely jealous.Now tell me why you are jealous of him!I guess he is old enough to be your father.You should be jealous of someone who is nearly your age."

"I am not jealous.It is your brother who is jealous of me." George said with a serious expression on his face.

"Really?" Damien Kyle acted to be surprised.

"Yes.You know I am very handsome and also very smart.May be that's why he is jealous."