Your boyfriend is really handsome!!!

"Why did you bring me here for shopping suddenly?" Lizzy asked.

"Do I really need a cause?" Alexander Queen asked.

"Not really.Just curious.Guys don't like shopping actually.And here you are insisting me to go shopping with you."

"I am just confused.I want you to pick some outfit for me."

"Really!" Lizzy widened her eyes.``Are you going on a date?"She asked.

"Not really.Just something very important." He said.

"It looks like you are hiding from me!Tell me the name of the person whom you are trying to impress." Lizzy said excitedly.

Alexander Queen smiled.

"When it is the right time.You will see it with your own eyes."

"Okay.As you say." Lizzy shrugged her shoulder.

Both of them entered into a branded cloth store.

"May I help you ma'am?" A staff member came to them.

Lizzy nodded.

"I want you to show me some suit for him." She said.

"Okay.Ma'am." The staff started showing them.