Kelvin caught a big fish!!!

Rose,Xavier and George went close to him to see if he really managed to catch any fish. George seemed to be very excited.After all finally after hours Kelvin Kyle managed to get anything.

Rose was also curious.She never thought in her lifetime a person like Kelvin Kyle could be fishing here ditching his important works.

Only Xavier was reactionless.It was quite hard to tell what was going in his mind.

"Uncle Kelvin,is there really a fish?" George asked him with excitement.

Kelvin Kyle cleared his throat.George was used to call Rose as pretty sister and he was now Rose's boyfriend.Then how could be he an uncle to George!!!But it was not the time to teach him about relationship.First he needed to pull out the fish from the water.

"Yeah,buddy...First let me pull the hook out of the water!" Kelvin Kyle said rolling the steering wheel of the fishhook.

"So finally,our young man caught a fish!" Paul said smiling.