What that guy has that I don't have?

"Boss...she was here.Just really dont have the idea how someone broke into here despite this tight security…."

"Shut up...F*ck of your security!!I very well can see how good tye security was.I want her in next twenty four hours!Do you get it?Otherwise get ready to take the bullet on your head!!" Damien Kyle said gritting his teeth.

"What happened?" Kelvin Kyle asked him.

Damien Kyle stared at him.Kelvin Kyle saw his face was totally red and he clearly could see he was in a very heated temperature.May be the issue was something very important.

"Nothing worth mentioning." Damien Kyle let out a sigh.

"But your face is saying something else." Kelvin Kyle narrowed his eyes.

"Don't worry.Lets go."

Kelvin Kyle nodded.


"Evelina,look at me.."