Rape charge!!

But Xavier and George didn't seem to like him at all.A frown appeared on both of their forehead as if they got offended by him somehow.

George and Xavier both exchanged a look between them as if they were communicating with each other through telepathy.Luther tried hard to Understand exactly what was going on but still couldn't even after trying hard.

Xavier wrote something on his notebook.Luther felt curious to see the notebook.He was quite stunned to see that little kid can also write.

Xavier showed him the notebook after he was done writing.As long as Luther saw what he had written over there his face darkened.

"Hey.White lizard!!Do I like like a kiddo to you!!!"

Like seriously!!This little kid had the guts to insult him!!!He dared to call him white lizard!What a jerk Rose had raised….He tried hard to control his anger and suppress the urge of throwing these two children away in the garbage!!