Then why don't you prove me wrong?

Kelvin Kyle was furious.He had the key to Rose's apartment as he could enter the apartment easily.But the thing he never thought even in his dream that he will find here Rose kissing his nemesis Benjamin Cullin like this situation…

He didn't wait a second and grabbed his collar and threw him in the ground.

"What the f*ck you are doing with her?" He shouted at him.His eyes were almost bloodshot.

Rose was still in shock.At first Benjamin Cullin just confessed to her and then kissed her and that was seen by Kelvin Kyle.The situation really can't be worse than this.

Benjamin Cullin stood up from the ground and he was kind of confused to see that Kelvin Kyle was also there.As he didn't know the relationship between Rose and her ex boss.

"What are you doing here?" Benjamin Cullin said with a frown over his forehead as he was very confused.