Theory of relativity!!!

At night,

The day had been quite long and good for George.At the school,he enjoyed a lot.Getting attention from the other students was kind of interesting to him.And also the teachers were also good toward him as they know that they were Kelvin Kyle's child.

But for Xavier the case was different.He was very annoyed that how others were trying to give him unnecessary attentions.According to him,only immature kids do this kind of thing… 

Since he was an overmature man trapped in a kids body.So the school was definitely not his place.Not exactly.

"So…"Kelvin Kyle said, staring at Xavier who was Currently sitting on their bed.George was lying beside him on the bed covering his body with a duvet.

Xavier frowned.

" So what?"

"Don't you want to go to school?" He asked Xavier.

Xavier shook his head.

"No.I don't want to go."

"Then what are you going to do just by sitting at home?" he asked.

Xavier let out a sigh.