New danger?

Damien Kyle rolled his eagle eye and chuckled silently.He carefully fixed his eyes on Lizzy's face.

Lizzy gulped in nervousness.His Strong gaze was making her nervous as if there was a option to hide under their car seat she would definitely do that.Normally it's been a long time,she Didn't feel like this.At earlier Damien Kyle used to make her uncomfortable but it's been a long time and that has become a history.And no need mention,last few days before revealing the truth,Damien Kyle used to be very friendly with her as if he was not that the typical billionaire that everyone used to know.

"So you're telling me..If I do something here,your dad is going to sue me?Is it like this?" He said slightly uplifting the corner of his lips.

Soon a frown appeared on Lizzy's forehead..

"Yes.Of course.What do you think?You will commit this kind of crime and my dad will leave you alone without doing anything.Of course,he will sue you…"Lizzy said.