
Tears streamed down Yong Meilin’s eyes while she looked at the bustling road in front of her. This road was always busy with merchants, mercenaries and other adventurers, people who come and go. She had been standing there since morning with tears constantly falling from her eyes.

Many young men had tried to talk with her. Some had brought her tissues whereas others would try and make her look at them. Yet, no matter what anyone did, Yong Meilin ignored them all and kept looking at the road. She felt as if someone had shattered her heart and broke it into a thousand pieces. It seemed impossible for her to pick them up and put them together again.

It was now three months after the tournament’s end. Xu Min had spent an entire two weeks healing before his body was back at his peak performance. Afterwards, he spent another two and a half months training. He had long since made up his mind of leaving. The question now was finding the right time and planning where he wished to go.