Bloody Night

Night descended upon the two groups, and slowly tents were erected by the bigger group, the food started to get cooked on a large bonfire. Chatter resounded through the silent forest and although many strong beasts were present close by, none of them wished to attack such a large group. Even the strongest six-star beast in the area knew that if they attacked such a large group, even if he managed to get rid of them all, then he would suffer quite some wounds.

this knowledge was known to the group and thus they were not too much on guard, the guards were busy chatting with their friends, and their friends were busy boasting about their power.

It was known to the group that the man stalking them was Xu Min and most of the fear many had felt had vanished. Xu Min was only a three-star Warrior and a warrior who just broke into the third star nonetheless. He was not truly a danger for them.