Magnolia Garden

It did not take long to get used to living in Magnolia Garden. Xu Min had gotten used to a much higher standard of living after leaving the Zhong family compound in his previous life. He had also become a leading figure.

The Zhong family leader’s gift of land to Xu Min had a total of three thousand peasants and farmers living on it. They all paid a percentage of their yearly income in tax, which would become Xu Min's salary. Of this salary, the young man chose to pay a part to the Zhong family in exchange for protection of the Zhong family compound.

Xu Min suddenly had enough money to buy food to ensure Xu Wu could eat any delicacy that she liked. He hired servants to take care of all the everyday chores at home. This way Xu Wu no longer had to work. However, becoming quickly bored doing nothing, she shooed the hired servants away to deal with their home herself. After giving up on embroidery and sewing clothes, she started also looking after the house and the garden.