Pack of Wolves

Agonizing howls reverberated through the entire forest; thick scents of blood permeated the forest’s air. On the ground, one could see the corpse of a Sabertooth Blood Wolf scattered into pieces. Upon closer inspection, the body was still dripping blood; it must have recently died.

Following a small animal trail, there were more and more Sabertooth Blood Wolves' lying on the ground, one after another. Some were lying in stacks while others were lying with space between them.

Every corpse lacked its beast core, and all of them seemed to have been cut straight through by something sharp and in multiple places at the same time.

The further down the animal trail the more corpses one could find. Eventually, some of them even had their beast cores left within the corpses. The further down the trail, the heavier the air was with the stench of blood; it was even flowing on the ground, making small puddles.