Heart Demon

Xu Min narrowed his eyes as he heard the words spoken by the soul of the Blood Pagoda. He had come all this way for the sake of the trial. He was not going to give up practically the moment he just stepped in, not even if this trial would be near impossible for him.

This trial dealt with everything about hate, and Xu Min was filled with hate. It was a type of hate that consumed him and other people. Nonetheless, he would try. Deep within his heart, he also heaved a heavy sigh of relief. He knew that even if he failed Cao Cao and Ye Ling were taking over his revenge.

"I wish to take the test," Xu Min said determinedly. His eyes shone, and his back was straight.

"Kudos to you kid for going all the way." the voice said slightly surprised.

"I have, to be honest with you. I do not think you will be able to survive this trial. Then using your reward for reaching the seventh star will be wasted."