
"It's him! It is Xu Min!" someone yelled out. Everyone felt their scalps grow numb. Xu Min, on the other hand, could care less about being noticed; his only goal was to force his way through the army in front of him.

Xu Min shot arrow after arrow in front of him, killing one expert after another. Although Xu Min did not personally know these experts, he already knew what he needed to know. They had accepted money to stop him from escaping the Ruins of the Immortals, so they were his enemies.

Anyone standing in his way had to die, and anyone who went against him had to be removed. Xu Min was not in a position where he could afford to be friendly with the enemy, nor was he in a position where he could afford to worry about killing too many.

By this time, Xu Min had already killed quite a few. He felt nothing as he killed expert after expert, forcing a path in front of him where people died one after another.