Li Fang

The young miss, Zhong Mei, giggled as she heard Xu Min's voice. She then looked at him with eyes filled with adoration. The sudden lovestruck expression on her face made Xu Min feel nauseous.

"A young woman can't easily give out her name," Zhong Mei replied. She was attempting to be mysterious and even giggled before opening her mouth to say more.

Unfortunately, she never got the chance. Just as she was about to speak, someone called out, "Little Mei!"

Her face twisted slightly in an annoyed and irritated expression., However, within a moment it disappeared again since young ladies were not to reveal any emotional disturbances or ugliness within. She smiled at Xu Min and completely ignored the voice that was calling out to her.

"I am a young miss of the Zhong family," Zhong Mei continued when she realized that Xu Min was not going to ask anything else about hers. Although she was secretly slightly annoyed, her annoyance did not show on her face.