I'll Help You Get It Down

If Lu Sha had not seen Wang Rouxi's signal, he would have rushed over and killed Xia Jiannan without a second thought.

Fortunately, he did. Otherwise...

As Xia Jiannan was lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize that one of Wang Rouxi's hands had broken free from his grasp.

Wang Rouxi cast a glance at a dark corner before she used her free hand to push Xia Jiannan away.

Caught off guard, Xia Jiannan was pushed back on a sitting position with Wang Rouxi straddling his lap.

"Don't be angry... I just wanted to help you!" said Wang Rouxi soothingly.

Her voice was so soft that it made one feel as though they were slowly being lulled to sleep.

Placing both her hands on his shoulders, Wang Rouxi then leaned in to move closer to his ear and said slowly, "I'll help you get it down."

With that, she stood up and continued to undress him...

* * *

Xia Jiannan was lying on the bed, staring at the marvelous designs of the ceiling absentmindedly.

He might seem to be looking at the exquisitely done designs intently but if one would look closely, they would notice that his eyes were not focused, his mind was wandering elsewhere.

He was thinking about the woman who had audaciously removed his coat not too long ago.

Remembering what had transpired earlier, Xia Jiannan could feel his ears and neck burning up.

What happened earlier was something that he would probably never forget in his entire lifetime.

He had never felt this stupid before that he could not help but laugh at himself.

Laugh at how he had misinterpreted Wang Rouxi's words.

Because of his muddle headedness, Xia Jiannan had failed to realize that what Wang Rouxi was talking about was how she would help him get his temperature down.

It's his TEMPERATURE and not his little beast down there!

Xia Jiannan could not be more embarrassed thinking about it...

As he was running a fever, Wang Rouxi thoughtfully arranged for Xia Jiannan to rest in her room.

Although her house was quite huge for a single person to live alone, there was only one bedroom in the entire place.

The other three bedrooms were converted into a music room, a library and a study.

Because Wang Rouxi didn't really intend to live with someone else, when she was designing the layout of this house, she never thought of preparing a guest room.

So in the end, she could only offer to use her own bedroom for Xia Jiannan to rest at.

Xia Jiannan had initially planned to just lay on the couch for a short nap. After all, it will only be a short nap.

However, upon seeing his eyes getting droopier and droopier by the second, Wang Rouxi could not just let him, knowing that he has a fever, sleep on the couch.

At first, when Wang Rouxi had invited him to sleep in her room, Xia Jiannan profusely refused.

He dared not think of the things that might happen if he was not able to restrain himself...

Nevertheless, Wang Rouxi still dragged him into her room and locked him up so that he would not be able to leave.

Outside the locked bedroom, Lu Sha, who had stayed hidden in the shadows, could not hold himself back anymore and he immediately went after Wang Rouxi's retreating figure.

"My Lord." Lu Sha kneeled on the floor before Wang Rouxi.

Seeing Lu Sha's kneeling figure, Wang Rouxi helplessly sighed as she helped him up his feet. "How many times have I told you that that's not necessary?"

"But, my Lor-"

Wang Rouxi's cold gaze stopped Lu Sha mid-sentence. "No buts. And you just have to call me Sis Rouxi or Sis Xi, that will do."

Lu Sha, upon hearing that, shook his head furiously, "I dare not, my Lord."

My Lord, huh?

She was trying her hardest to forget her past life, and yet this little brother of hers was so adamant on calling her 'My Lord'. Wang Rouxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But she did not have the heart to tell him off, knowing that this was the only way the lad knew how to show his gratitude towards her.

"Do as you like. So what's the matter?" He would not show himself unless it's something important.

Lu Sha raised his head to look at Wang Rouxi in the eyes. "I am really worried about you, my Lord. Though that man is close to 'him', is there really a need for you to let him in your room?"

Wang Rouxi stared intently at Lu Sha, unable to guess why he was acting in such a manner.

"You do not need to worry about it, Lu Sha. I know what I am doing." Wang Rouxi waved her hand off before proceeding to the kitchen to cook food for Xia Jiannan.

But deep inside, Wang Rouxi was confused, not understanding herself.