A Whole Different Person

Xia Jiannan knew that Miss Rouxi was just a good samaritan who was good-hearted enough to bring him home.

She would not really make him stay...

But if he had just agreed to her arrangements earlier, would she send him back home or would she let him stay?

Xia Jiannan could only inwardly laugh at his own foolishness.

Why was he thinking like this?

Miss Rouxi was nothing to him. He was nothing to her.

He just so happened to mistake her car as his. They were nothing but two different people who met because of an error on his part!

They were NOTHING!

At this thought, Xia Jiannan felt dejected. On his usually cold eyes, a tinge of sadness could be seen.

It was actually quite hilarious how he suddenly started to act like a different person in just a short span of half a day.

However, as he was too caught up with his emotions, Xia Jiannan had failed to notice the abrupt change in Wang Rouxi's stance.

After ensuring that all the doors were locked and no lights were left turned on for safety measures, Wang Rouxi and Xia Jiannan were ready to go.

Without further ado, both of them buckled up in Wang Rouxi's car, with Xia Jiannan seated at the passenger's seat.

"Where to, Mr. Xia?"

It was such a cold voice. One that was devoid of any emotions.

Hearing her indifferent tone, Xia Jiannan could not help but turn his head sideways and looked at Wang Rouxi.

That warm, caring and gentle woman earlier was now gone. In her stead was an indifferent woman whose eyes were as cold as the arctic air of deep winter.

Although she was still the same woman with that unworldly beauty. She had totally become a whole different person.

Wang Rouxi's right hand was holding the steering wheel as she stared right back at Xia Jiannan expressionlessly.

Xia Jiannan was so shocked that he was rooted on his seat. This sudden change was too much for him to handle!

'What had just happened?!'

He could not grasp what was happening...

One second, she was all warm and caring. The next second, she was acting indifferent and cold.

Xia Jiannan felt his mind went blank. Nothing seemed to be comprehensible anymore.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xia Jiannan felt a chilling stare on him, pulling him back to reality.

"To the Old Residence."

Upon hearing his response, Wang Rouxi systematically started the car and drove to the Xia Family's Old Residence.

She did not notice that something was off in Xia Jiannan's tone. She just knew that she had to get him home safely.

Wang Rouxi right at that moment was like a robot. A robot who functions automatically and does tasks that was given to her without much thought.

Her only goal was to accomplish the given task. Her brain would only analyze and process the necessary information before doing the optimal action.

If Lu Sha was there at that time, he would immediately guess what was happening.

This was his Lordship in her "battle mode".

Every time she would be given a mission, Wang Rouxi would enter a void state wherein it was only her and the mission at hand.

She had to ensure that the mission would be accomplished, no matter the cost.

Right after Lu Sha heard that beeping sound from Wang Rouxi's phone, he too received the mission.

'S - Class: Protect Xia Jiannan'

When Lu Sha saw his new mission, he had the sudden urge to smash his phone on the ground.

Damn that headmaster! If I managed to see you in the future, I would give you a piece of my mind!

Nonetheless, Lu Sha still had to obey and execute the mission. If not, he would not be able to see Wang Rouxi again.

* * *

The whole journey to the Xia Family's Old Residence was eerily quiet.

Xia Jiannan sat at the passenger's seat deep in his thoughts.

Earlier, Wang Rouxi had opened the car door of the backseat for him. However, Xia Jiannan courteously declined and chose to sit in front with her.

After all, she was not his employee. It would not be right if he were to sit at the back and make her look like a driver.

Xia Jiannan was still puzzling over what had happened before they had left Wang Rouxi's house.

It was totally inconceivable how she had changed into a completely different persona!

It was as if there was another person living inside her body!