Real Identity

Xia Mo remained motionless in his seat for quite some time. He was thinking about his conversation with the woman earlier that night.

"I will disregard the matter about the marriage." The woman said abruptly.

Xia Mo was stunned as he looked at his childhood friend with a disbelieving look, "Liu Ruoxin, what are you saying?"

In truth, it was not Xia Mo who had wanted to force Xia Jiannan to marry Wang Xinji. It was Liu Ruoxin, the wife of the late Old Master Wang.

Now, hearing Liu Ruoxin's sudden change of stance, it was no wonder that Xia Mo could not help but suspect that his best friend's wife had been planning something huge.

Liu Ruoxin had always been a mysterious individual, she merely smiled at him. "I mean what I say. I will also arrange a bodyguard for your grandson."

Xia Mo could no longer resist the gnawing curiosity he felt, he then asked seriously, "What have you been planning all along?"

"It's not the right time yet."

Knowing that he would not get anything out from Liu Ruoxin, Xia Mo decided to just follow her arrangements.

Up until now, he was still in awe on how his best friend Wang Guqi managed to tame such a ferocious woman back then.

As he watched Liu Ruoxin leave his suite, Xia Mo could not help but think of what would have happened if Wang Guqi was still alive.

Finishing the wine in his glass, Xia Mo stood up and headed to the bedroom. He might as well take a rest since he still has a tough son to deal with tomorrow.

* * *

At the outskirts of City A, inside Wang Rouxi's residence.

When all of the food on the table was gone, Lu Wei and Lu Qingya were in charge of washing the dishes while the lazy Lu Yizhi left with Lu Lenglian to buy some booze.

They were planning to drink the night away!

It did not take them too long to finish what they had to do. After about twenty minutes or so, they were all lounging in the living room, a can of beer in their hands.

"Let's toast to the safe return of our Leader!" Lu Yizhi stood up and raised his beer can in the air. "Cheers!"

The rest followed suit and the night was filled with chattering as Lu Yizhi talked about anything and everything.

"Do you know that Shang Di from the Shang Faction..."

"I saw the latest post of a female celebrity..."

"Where do you think China got their supply of..."

The topic of their conversation would just jump from this to that and if others were here to listen in on them, they might find themselves unable to follow the course of discussion.

At midnight, as some of them were starting to feel light-headed, four beeping sounds were heard.

Wang Rouxi turned her head to Lu Lenglian who seemed to be the most sober one among the five. "What is it?"

Lu Lenglian immediately retrieved his phone from his pocket, reading through the new mission he had been assigned, "Protect Wang Rouxi."

"Wang... Wang Roushi?"

Lu Yizhi was already so drunk that his voice came out a little bit slurred. His body was swaying from side to side as he struggled to keep himself from falling off his seat.

"Hm. Wang Rouxi seems to be the next CEO of the Wang Empire Estates."

All eyes then turned to the one who spoke. They saw Lu Qingya scrolling through her phone. The details of the mission had been given, even the information about the subject as well.

At that moment, no one noticed the strange expression on Wang Rouxi's face.

Right! They did not know that she was Wang Rouxi! All they knew was that she was referred to as their Faction leader, Lu Xi.

Lu Sha was probably the only one who knew about her real identity.

But when she looked over, Wang Rouxi saw that Lu Sha was staring absentmindedly at his phone.

No notifications.

What could this possibly mean? Weren't they supposed to work in a group? They were the Five Elites after all.

As she was puzzled about this, Wang Rouxi suddenly remembered that there were only four beeps earlier.

Did the Headmaster give Lu Sha a separate mission?

Just then, a notification popped up on Lu Sha's phone.

'Your subject has moved. Protect Xia Jiannan. Location: XXXX'

Wang Rouxi was slightly startled when she read this. She had not expected that Lu Sha would be tasked to protect Xia Jiannan.