Take Responsibility

No matter how strong-willed and calm Xia Jiannan might normally be, the shock he felt caused his body to tremble uncontrollably.

As though he was struck by lightning, Xia Jiannan was utterly stupefied by Wang Rouxi's words and he was shocked into silence.

He was frozen on his seat as he stared at Wang Rouxi with his eyes wide open, unable to conceal what he was feeling at that moment.

However, Wang Rouxi misinterpreted his silence and thought that he didn't believe that she could do what she had promised him.

"Give me a week. From our initial investigation, the people targeting you are part of a large organization. Their gang is a relatively large group that has already extended their influence all over the country so it would take a week in the least to completely annihilate them. I only need a week. I cannot go any lesser than that though."

Wang Rouxi spoke in a calm, unhurried voice, leaning back on the couch and crossing her arms across her chest while waiting for Xia Jiannan's response.

A week?

Xia Jiannan came back to his senses and he calculated that even if he mobilized the whole Xia Family's forces, they might not necessarily be able to locate all of that gang's lairs in a week's time, much less completely annihilate them!

This revelation made Xia Jiannan paused and he looked at that nonchalant woman with undulated astonishment and disbelief.

He could not even start to imagine just how wide her network is and up to what extent the power she wields to dare proclaim that she could uproot a well-established Mafia in merely a week's time.

One thing is for sure though, this unfathomable "Miss Rouxi" sitting in front of her was not just a bodyguard.

Thinking like this, Xia Jiannan could not suppress the gnawing feeling in his heart and he asked solemnly, "Why are you doing this?"

"Why not? Your safety is my main priority." Wang Rouxi replied matter-of-factly.

Xia Jiannan was stumped for words.

"You're not even my bodyguard. Why are you–"

"Then make me your bodyguard. Shall we sign a contract now?"

Xia Jiannan felt helpless at her straightforwardness.

Why did it feel like Wang Rouxi was waiting for him to say such words?

But Xia Jiannan would not like to take advantage of others, thus he reminded her, "You will not benefit in this deal, Miss Rouxi."

To be my bodyguard and help me deal with those people, the only thing she wants in return is me?

Xia Jiannan was truly baffled.

It's true that Xia Corporation had been faring quite well after he took over, but it could still not compare to the Business Giants such as the Wang Empire Estates.

Looking at the beautiful blonde woman in front of her, Xia Jiannan could infer that she was not merely a nobody at his best friend's company.

Why would she want to be his bodyguard if she was already at a much higher position than he could offer?

What does she want from him?

As if she could see through his mind, Wang Rouxi said, "I don't want anything from you."

Would she still need to covet Xia Jiannan's company if she would have the whole Wang Empire Estates in her hands soon?

"What I want is you." As simple as that.

As Xia Jiannan stared at the woman who repeatedly insisted on making her his bodyguard, he could not help but evaluate himself.

Yes, he was a successful bachelor who had accomplished many things. Others even deemed him as the number one candidate for a perfect husband. But was that enough for Wang Rouxi to want him?

It wasn't that he was degrading himself, but from the looks of things, this woman in front of her bore another identity — an identity that he could not compare to.

Feeling inferior to her, Xia Jiannan's voice came out barely above a whisper, "Why?"

Wang Rouxi was slightly startled when she caught a hint of uncertainty and lack of self-confidence in Xia Jiannan's tone.

She didn't expect that there would come a time that the Stoic King Xia Jiannan would be this insecure of himself.

"You want to know why I want you?" Wang Rouxi's eyes held a trace of mirth which she immediately replaced with an earnest expression.

"It's because I want to take responsibility for you."

Xia Jiannan's dumbfounded gaze snapped back up at Wang Rouxi and he saw the seriousness in her eyes.

I want to take responsibility for you...

I want to take responsibility for you...

I want to take responsibility for you...


These words kept ringing through Xia Jiannan's mind over and over again that he suddenly felt lightheaded.

Under Wang Rouxi's expecting gaze, Xia Jiannan fell limply on his side as he fainted on the couch from shock.