Knight in Shining Armor

No one saw it coming!

If Xia Jinhu had known that this would happen to him, he would not have put on airs and just acted like he usually does.

However, because of his clumsiness, Xia Jinhu could only wipe away his invisible tears now as he waited to be intimate with the marbled floor of their mansion.

Could this day get any worse for him?

Shutting his eyes tightly, Xia Jinhu silently prayed to all of the Xia Family's ancestors to help him overcome his predicament.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

He waited and waited but a few seconds had already passed and yet the expected pain did not come.

Instead, Xia Jinhu felt like he had fallen into something soft and fragrant?!

The scent was very addictive that Xia Jinhu could not help but subconsciously leaned in closer.

Is this what living in heaven feels like?

If so, then Xia Jinhu would rather stay like this than to fight for the non-existent love of his older brother for him.

But before he could relish this once in a lifetime moment, Xia Jinhu's senses told him that there was danger nearby.

In fact, the murderous aura was coming from his front and his back.

Opening his eyes, the first thing that Xia Jinhu saw was an angled jaw, followed by extremely kissable lips and at last, he saw a bewitching face.

The man stood tall and upright as his arms were around Xia Jinhu, keeping a hold of him to prevent him from falling over.


Xia Jinhu suddenly came into realization after he noticed their position.

With his twinkling, almost worshipping eyes directed at Di Yi, Xia Jinhu exclaimed his heartfelt gratitude, "My knight in shining armor!"

To Di Yi's surprise, Xia Jinhu also unexpectedly wrapped his hands around him as a form of thanks.

'This is heaven!' Xia Jinhu screamed internally.

Xia Jinhu was having the time of his life when he felt another wave of murderous aura washed over him.

It was then that he caught sight of the other man who was glaring daggers at him.

Noticing this, Xia Jinhu was perplexed, not knowing the reason why the young man was looking at him as though he had killed his whole family.

'I did not do anything wrong, okay! I almost lost my life back there, can't you be a little bit more understanding? And what's with that look?!'

Xia Jinhu was freaking out. But of course, he would not dare to say those things out loud.

Seeing that Xia Jinhu had not let go of Di Yi, Di Er's expression darkened as his glare intensified.

How dare he lay a hand on his Lordship!

It took every ounce of his self-restraint for Di Er to stop himself from marching over just to separate the two of them and rip that audacious Xia Jinhu into fine, thin shreds.

His hands were clenched into tight fists as he gritted his teeth in frustration.

In the end, Di Er could only look on as that lecherous fellow took advantage of Di Yi.

And as though that was not enough to scare the hell out of him, Xia Jinhu felt a chill coming from behind him.

He didn't need to turn his head to know who caused the air around him to drop by several degrees.

Well, he would not even dare to look!

Xia Jinhu remained frozen in place. He was afraid that another move from him would incur the wrath of his older brother and the young man in front of him.

No one spoke as an awkward silence permeated the air.

It was not until the sound of a door opening was heard did everyone turn back to their senses.

Xia Jiannan's gaze, which never left Di Yi's, was suddenly directed at Xia Jinhu's back.

"Get off of him."

It was only one sentence but Xia Jinhu felt like a bucket of ice had been poured over him.

Although his body was shaking with fear, Xia Jinhu did not waste a second to detach himself from the man who prevented his fall, albeit reluctantly.

He did not want to part with his knight in shining armor!

But Xia Jinhu could only look forlornly at the side as his eyes never left Di Yi's figure, watching his savior's every move.

He did not even know his name yet!

Is he Di Yi or Di Er?

At that moment, Master and Madam Xia came into view. They were as refined and elegant as ever.

"What do we have here?" Master Xia's deep voice echoed throughout the silent mansion.